The Barony of Selviergard, Principality of Oertha--The Barony of Selviergard invited all from the
lands of Oertha and the Knowne World to take part in a Pas d'Armes in the northern lands of the barony. The event was well attended and including amazing displays of pageantry and household pride. The Pas d'Armes, or a formalized tournament designed to show chivalry, grace, and honor, lasted for over three hours to the delight of both those watching the display and the fighters who took part in the Pas.
With banners unfurled to catch the gentle breeze, fighters marched into the field; ready to display their marshal prowess and knightly virtues on the field. Introductions were made from each fighter to each the other and to those who were to bear witness to their bouts. With the invocation made by the herald, the field was open to acts of great chivalry and skill.
After the Pas d’Armes, those in attendance were set to enjoy a brief court, in which the Baron and Baroness of Selviergard acknowledged the honor shown that day, and presented Crusious and Taren Arnfast with tokens, as the gallery of onlookers that day determined that they should be so
honored. Additionally, the Baron and Baroness presented several good gentles with invitations to join the Order of the Claymore for various services and marshal skills provided to the barony. In the final business before that court the Prince of Oertha also noted skilled individuals and offered two individuals with awards and great honor.
A feast was held, and much to the delight of those in attendance, the autocrat of the day’s event happened to find a local dancing troupe. The troupe performed exceedingly well, and danced the entire night away. Two types of bardic were enjoyed by all. Mistress Anne helped lead the way to many of the traditional songs of while Her Excellency E’tai’n held the kubb field against all challengers.
Sunday brought a relaxed tone to the event, with a short final court in which the Baron and Baroness thanked those who were able to make it to the Selviergard Pas d’Armes. Additional members of
the populace were invited to join the Order of the Claymore; and final court business was graced with gifts from the populace to both the baronage and His Highness.
The Pas d’Armes provided an opportunity for fighters to display their prowess and chivalric ideals to a populace that wished to see grand displays. In all, the event was quite successful, and talks of future events similar in design and style were discussed.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally published in the June 2011 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date:May 20-22, 2011