Friday, June 1, 2012

Selviergard Pas d'Armes: The Worthies

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The celebrants of the Spring Pas d'Armes, held amongst the majestic beauty of the lands of Selviergard, beheld many acts of chivalry, prowess, and nobility last weekend. I would like to take a moment to describe the event and chronicle a small portion of the deeds done last weekend. To expound on the chivalric virtues of each and every fighter, their Inspirations, and those who attended the event would take up many pages containing many large words; and as such, a simple missive will have to suffice for now.

Eleven fighters fought in the Pas d'Armes; a display of chivalry that awarded no prizes but showcased each combatants prowess and noble virtues to each other and the Gallery. The first part of the Pas had those armored gentles come forward and introduce themselves so that their names and reasons for attending the Pas were well known. From there, the fighters took time to challenge one another for the First Pass. From there, the Second Pass featured a grand melee combat in which the fighters used but a single knightly sword; a Pass that was both fun to watch and beautiful to behold.

After the grand melee, a barrier was erected in which teams of fighters performed knightly battle over; never stepping back from the barrier and using counted blows for a time.

Members of House Schlagen defend the barrier during the Barrier Battle Pass of the Selviergard Spring Pas d'Armes.