The revel, hosted by Viscountess Margarita di Calvi, was an entertaining celebration of the season; complete with food and camaraderie. While there were not enough fighters for the Tournament that was originally planned, the event instead focused on memories of the past and getting together as a group of friends.
Viscountess Margarita had a lot of old photos of not only the Barony of Selviergard but Oertha as well to show off. The photos, many of people that some of the newer folk have never seen before, was a great way to share the history of our group so that the past would always be remembered.
Mistress Alyssia and Mistress Margarita go over old photographs while Mistress Rolynnda remembers the stories associated with those images. Photograph by Halfdan "Two Bears" Ozurrson. October 26, 2013.