Friday night was overcast weather, but the clouds gently covering the highlands surrounding the lodge high up on the mountainside were a sight to behold. Several individuals made it out early to prepare themselves for a full weekend and spent the evening around the table sharing stories and renewing the bonds of friendship.
Saturday, the day the majority of the activities would take place, was greeted with many of the populace gathering together; all ready to take part in a day full of activities. An opening court officially started the event. The Co-Autocrat, Lady Ástríðr Þórudóttir, welcomed everybody in attendance and gave information on what to expect for the day. Baron Halfdan was ready to witness great deeds and, deeming that it was time for the tournament to begin, closed his court and officially started the day.
As there were no heavy fighters present; the tournament and hunt would end up focusing around the rapier fighters.
The tournament opened with three rapier fighters: Donna Étaín O’Rowarke, Master Brann Mac Fynin, and Lord Colum Mac Eoghain Uí Niall. Several rounds of excellent fights between the combatants offered the gallery an opportunity to make their decisions as it was the gallery that would determine who would be the White Stag, who would be the Great Bear, and who would hunt the beasts.
Donna Etain O’Rowarke and Master Brann mac Finnchad clash in the tournament to determine who will take part in the Hunt at the Barony of Selviergard’s Summer Hunt. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson. June 30, 2018.