Thursday, July 26, 2018

The White Stag Escapes for Another Day

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha—The White Stag had been spotted by the baronial huntmaster in the lands of the Barony of Selviergard and it was once again time to sound the horn and gather together to take part in the hunt for the mythical creature. Combatants from around the Principality were invited to take their place in the quest for the White Stag; an event held at one of the Baron’s hunting lodges in the mountains surrounding Central Selviergard.

Friday night was overcast weather, but the clouds gently covering the highlands surrounding the lodge high up on the mountainside were a sight to behold.  Several individuals made it out early to prepare themselves for a full weekend and spent the evening around the table sharing stories and renewing the bonds of friendship.

Saturday, the day the majority of the activities would take place, was greeted with many of the populace gathering together; all ready to take part in a day full of activities.  An opening court officially started the event.  The Co-Autocrat, Lady  Ástríðr Þórudóttir, welcomed everybody in attendance and gave information on what to expect for the day.  Baron Halfdan was ready to witness great deeds and, deeming that it was time for the tournament to begin, closed his court and officially started the day.

As there were no heavy fighters present; the tournament and hunt would end up focusing around the rapier fighters.

The tournament opened with three rapier fighters:  Donna Étaín O’Rowarke, Master Brann Mac Fynin, and Lord Colum Mac Eoghain Uí Niall.  Several rounds of excellent fights between the combatants offered the gallery an opportunity to make their decisions as it was the gallery that would determine who would be the White Stag, who would be the Great Bear, and who would hunt the beasts.

Donna Etain O’Rowarke and Master Brann mac Finnchad clash in the tournament to determine who will take part in the Hunt at the Barony of Selviergard’s Summer Hunt.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.  June 30, 2018.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Selviergard Celebrates Fifteen Years

The sun was shining and the breeze was fair as the Barony of Selviergard celebrated one of the most important happenings in its history.  Observed every five years but kept in the hearts of many Selviergardians every year; this year’s celebration of the group becoming a barony was held in Talkeetna deep in the wild woods of Northern Selviergard.  It was here that people from all over the Principality came out to celebrate and rejoice together with tournaments, food, competitions, and bardics.

The start of the event was on Friday and the day saw many pavilions being set up with practiced ease.  The encampment circled the Eric where most of the activities would take place.  Pavilions from those of the Barony of Selviergard as well as the Barony of Winter’s Gate and even far-off Ravensfjord were beautiful to behold and provided an excellent atmosphere for the weekend-long celebration.  While there was no scheduled activities for Friday night many took the opportunity to visit with friends and family after setting up their home-away-from-home.

Saturday morning saw more visitors to the event and, later in the morning, Baron Halfdan of Selviergard held a court in which he welcomed all to the event including the Prince and Princess of Oertha as well as the visiting Baron and Baronesses of Eskalya and Winter’s Gate.  After words from Master Fergus mac Thomais, the Autocrat of the event, it was time for Baron Halfdan’s opening statement inviting all to take part in the celebration.  With a heartfelt recollection of an amazing journey that the Barony of Selviergard took fifteen years ago, Baron Halfdan wished the Barony a very, very happy birthday and gave word for the activities to commence.

The Heavy Tournament was first activity to take place.  Based on the ‘Book of the Five Rings,’ each individual tournament featured a different combat style.  The Earth Tournament was polearms and great weapons, the Water Tournament showcased Florentine, the Fire Tournament was represented by a round robin, and the Wind Tournament was fought by offhand single sword.  The winner of each tournament would then take part in the Champion’s Tournament to determine the overall winner.  Because of the large number of fighters and the overall length of the tournaments; some of the individuals ‘Rings” were changed with only the Void Tournament being cancelled.

Fighters take part in the Tournament of the Five Rings at the Barony of Selviergard’s Fifteen Year Celebration.  May 26, 2018.  Photograph submitted by Trevor Mora.