Sunday, April 28, 2019

A Royal Collegium Entices Many

The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West—Princess Vicana of Oertha invited teachers and students alike to attend a full day of learning at her Collegium held in the lands of the Barony of Selviergard in early April.  With the cold winters past and a full summer of planned events and activities on the horizon; Her Highness determined it was time to learn new skills and entertain new thoughts in preparation for a very full season in the lands of Oertha.

Paying the event registration provided the celebrant with a very useful site token crafted by Their Highnesses, access to all of the classes available, and a feast in the evening.  There were many people from all areas of the Principality attending, both instructors and students, and the hall was filled quickly.

Classes begin at the Princess’ Collegium held in the lands of the Barony of Selviergard.  April 6, 2019.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Oertha Celebrates as New Prince, Princess Found

The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West—The Oerthan Winter Coronet and Investiture, held in the lands of the Barony of Winter’s Gate, was well attended this year by members from all over the Principality alongside honored visitors from Central Kingdom.  The North Pole Hotel, the location for the event, was warm and cheery and spectacular hosts for the bi-annual event to determine the next Prince and Princess of Oertha by Right of Combat.

The populace gathered together well before opening court to visit and trade tales.  In short time the call was made to prepare for court in which the room used was quickly filled with smiling and happy people eager to start the day.

Sir Bartram Sinclair takes the opportunity to get some rest before the tournament at the Principality of Oertha’s Winter Coronet and Investiture.  January 19, 2019.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.