Sunday, April 1, 2012

Vikings Discover Japan!

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The weather was perfect for Selviergard's Vikings Discover Japan event, hosted by Mistress Rolynnda of the Azure Stone, at the end of the month of March.  People came from both the Barony of Selviergard and the Barony of Eskalya to celebrate an event that never happened but would have been interesting if it did.

After a brief welcoming court, the fighting took place.  Participants were split into two teams; those of the traveling Vikings and those of the Japanese.  The fighters decided on how they would fight each other; one on one, mass melee, or any other combination.  The group that won any of those battles added a bead to their count that would be latter tallied to find out which group; the Vikings or the Japanese, would win the day.

Prince Taran and Cynehild fight against Sir Varyag and Sir Kennric at the event.