The event was visited by gentles from far and wide; from close at home in the lands of Selviergard to the lands of Eskalya, and even from the far off lands of Hrafnafjordr and Pavlok Gorod; all came to celebrate the occasion.
During the opening court, Baron Fathir and Baroness Étaín welcomed all to the celebration; among them the first Baron and Baroness of Selviergard, Fergus and Margarita. Their Highnesses were also in attendance, and they gleefully anticipated the day's activities.
It was during this, the opening court, that Their Highnesses decided to honor Viscountess Trava Zapadova with The Order of the Snowy Owl, an award given for excellence in the arts. Hakon Adulwolfeson was also honored with an Award of Arms for his hard work in the Shire of Hrafnafjordr.
After the opening court; the Tournament honoring the fabled White Stag commenced; offering more than a simple glimpse of heroism, chivalry, and prowess upon the field.
In days past, the White Stag was stalked by courageous hunters intent on capturing their noble prey. The Stag, though cleverness and honor, attained the promise of protection by the maidens of the Land from the hunters before entering the woods to be on his way. The Stag was spotted by the hunters and he quickly tried to evade the group, which vastly outnumbered him. Being eventually trapped at a point just outside the encampment, the Stag was spied by the maidens who ran to him and gave their protection to him as they had promised.
Selviergard celebrated the legend of the White Stag by holding a tournament that honored both the Stag and the hunters of days past.
Sir Kenric, Prince of Oertha plays the part of the honored White Stag.
The Tournament featured many displays of skill at arms including grand melee's, team combat, and weapons over a barrier. In the end, it was Canute Mjoksiglandi who took the day, rapidly accruing points in the "Daggers over a Barrier" portion of the tournament. Let it be known, however, that all in the Tournament fought bravely and honored the White Stag, the field, and themselves.
After the Tournament, the field was opened to those in the populace that wished to partake of a time-honored tradition; that of the Countess Constantina Junk Garb War!
Teams of four were given one bag of fabric, two rolls of duct tape, and one hour to create a masterpiece…however, much to their chagrin, the fabric was less that fashionable. In addition to vibrant oranges and polka dotted patterns, it was announced that this year's fabric theme was pink bunnies; in honor of the Autocrat of the first Baronial event ten years past, Canute.
The Four Fine Fräuleins created a new line for the fashionable Viking woman in stunning spring colors. Margaritaville developed a spectacular rabbit costume in which the model gave splendid nose wiggle demonstrations. The Munchkins decided to go an oriental costume and created a geisha outfit. However the winner of the contest was Wing and Fin, which transformed Hakon, our visiting Cousin from the lands of Hrafnafjordr, into a mysterious veiled harem treasure from the far-off lands of Araby.
Team Wing and Fin, the winners of the Countess Constantina Junk Garb Wars, shows off.
From there, the participants readied themselves for a game that Selviergard had known in the past; the legendary Beermaids of Valhalla.
With all those warriors in Valhalla, one can only imagine what the Beermaids have to go through on a daily basis; ducking under items, filling pitchers of mead constantly, and running around to fill the mead horns of warriors of days long past. It must be exhausting.
An obstacle course was set up to emulate what the Beermaids must go through. The course included a leaky pitcher, ducking under a pole, filling cups, running around a table and finally scaling a ladder to pour "beer" into a bucket held aloft by their own teammate.
The team with the most amount of "beer" at the end of two minutes, coupled with how well they filled the cups in the beginning of the course, determined the winners.
Celestria, armed with a leaky pitcher and her "Beermaid" hat, runs the obstacle course.
In the end, it was how well the cups were filled that determined that Nemonna Vicanna and Aine O'Ciarabain were victorious in the Beermaids course, though it is important to note that there were many, many others that did very well in amusing the dry crowd.
At closing on Saturday, two courts were held. The Baron and Baroness expressed gratitude to those who attended and felt the need to recognize several worthy individuals. The Or Claymore, bestowed for the Arts and Sciences, was bestowed to Brann mac Finnchad. Additionally, Canute Mjoksiglandi, Sextus Valerius Crusillius, and Rob Roy were honored with the Sable Claymore for marshallate prowess.
Their Highnesses, who had a bit of business before the end of the day, honored the Halfdan "Two Bears" Ôzurrson with admission into the Order of the Bards of Oertha during the same court.
On Sunday, a grand Tournament was held for the Rapier community. However, instead of the White Stag; the tournament was to honor the Dragon of Selviergard.
Dragons are said to be ferocious in battle and quick on their feet, yet in many stories they are full of honor to those they face as well.
The rapier fighters did honor the Dragon by their deeds in the Tournament; a competition that included a grand melee, pistols, daggers over a barrier, and scenarios regarding the stealing of sheep; for which those of you who may have missed out I am truly sorry.
In the end, it was Sevastian who won the Tournament, awarding him with the first choice amongst the items brought by the other fighters in the Dragon Horde-style tournament in addition to a beaded necklace from the autokratos, and of course, the coveted Alaryn's Offensive Cup.
Sevastian inspects his trophy; the Alaryn Offensive Cup!
There was one final court for the event; held shortly after the Tournament. In the Court of Kenric and Tama, Prince and Princess of Oertha, several gentles were recognized for their outstanding hospitality. Hakon Adulwolfeson, Úlfhildr Sverradóttir, Monti of Ice Anvil Forge, Will of Ice Anvil Forge, Sextus Valerius Crusillius, and Nemon Vicanna were awarded the Argent Flame. Additionally, Brendan Doyle of Pavlok Gorod was admitted into the Order of the Glove for his prowess with the rapier.
An event like this does not happen on its own, and there were many hands that helped create this successful event; it is said that "many hands make light work;" and that applies to running events as well.
There are many debts of gratitude to many people; to my Co-Autocrats Vicanna and Trava who helped with site options and getting items together, to Rolynnda for helping with the site tokens, to Fathir and Étáin for help in many different ways, to Brann for helping out with the cords for those fancy site tokens, to Dagmar who stepped up as Herald where I could not, to Heleyne for ideas, and to everybody who lent a hand setting up or running around assisting with different things; nothing was too small or unnoticed. If I missed your name it is only because I am loosing the reader's attention from my pontification. Without you all, this would have never been a successful event and I thank you wholeheartedly.
While not all the items that were planned actually happened; there was plenty to do and participate in. Time is far too short at events and we only to have a finite amount to spend together. Some of those items will be moved to future events, such as Coronet and Baroness' Champion.
However, those who attended seem to have fun celebrating ten years of the Barony of Selviergard; no matter what was planned or actually happened, which is an amazing thing to witness. To know that the same pride and enthusiasm that I have felt for over fifteen years with this group is alive in each of us makes me a very happy member of this Society.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally published in the June 2013 DragonTale
Event Date: May 25-26, 2013
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