Sunday, December 1, 2013

Festive Selviergardian Yule

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Barony of Selviergard kicked off the Oerthan Yule season with festive fighting, games, and warm camaraderie on the last day of the month of November. The event was attended by many people both from the Barony of Selviergard and from the Barony of Eskalya; a wonderful turnout! The event was warm, comfortable, and full of cheer as the Yuletide season was celebrated with excitement and fun activities.

After a brief court held by Baroness Étaín, the Festive Tournament was held. First, the participating fighters were decorated in the latest and greatest festive fashion with the populace deciding on the overall winner. Viscount Fergus Mac Thomais won the day with his stunning Christmas tree tabard with tree-shaped ermine spots along the bottom…very fashionable.

The fighters display themselves to the Gallery before the Festive Tournament at Selviergard's Yule. Photo by Parker Sampson, November 30, 2013.