Sunday, December 1, 2013

Festive Selviergardian Yule

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Barony of Selviergard kicked off the Oerthan Yule season with festive fighting, games, and warm camaraderie on the last day of the month of November. The event was attended by many people both from the Barony of Selviergard and from the Barony of Eskalya; a wonderful turnout! The event was warm, comfortable, and full of cheer as the Yuletide season was celebrated with excitement and fun activities.

After a brief court held by Baroness Étaín, the Festive Tournament was held. First, the participating fighters were decorated in the latest and greatest festive fashion with the populace deciding on the overall winner. Viscount Fergus Mac Thomais won the day with his stunning Christmas tree tabard with tree-shaped ermine spots along the bottom…very fashionable.

The fighters display themselves to the Gallery before the Festive Tournament at Selviergard's Yule. Photo by Parker Sampson, November 30, 2013.

The tournament itself was fast and furious; with seven fighters taking the field. The combatants fought well, but in tournaments such as this, there can be only one winner; in this case, Viscount Sir Kennric Maur took the prize in the finals with Viscount Gregor Hawke.

Afterwards, four Rapier fighters took the field in their own tournament of merriment. With rapier blades flashing and jabbing this way and that, in the end it was Brann mac Finnchad who took the day in the finals against M'Lord Fallan.

From there, the traditional "Rock-Paper-Scissors" tournament commenced, enticing many fighters and consorts who have never participated in the Selviergardian tradition. The prize, of course, was the coveted title of Lord and Lady of Misrule and some wonderful hats that were donated by Sir Varyag and Mistress Trava.

The Misrule Tournament, which was best two out of three and single elimination saw Viscountess Margarita di Calvi, fighting for the honor of her lord Viscount Fergus Mac Thomas up against M'Lord Sam fighting for the honor of Aine O'Ciarbhaill. In the end, it was Sam and Aine O'Cearbhaill that became the Lord and Lady of Misrule.

The final court, held before the feast, saw the children, newcomers, and the officers of the Barony thanked and gifted items of esteem from the hands of the Baron and Baroness as is customary. Also in court, Baron Fathir and Baroness Étaín made the announcement that they wish to step down from the Baronial thrones by the time of Baroness' Champion. The announcement met with sadness in the hall, but the gentle words of the Baronage helped alleviate much sorrow as they confirmed that they would remain within the Barony as active residents.

Feast was typically Selviergardian, with so much food that the celebrants of the Yule season had their bellies full of good food.

Nemonna Vicana, the Autocrat for the event noted "I would like to thank you all for coming out to celebrate the start of the Season with Their Excellencies and Selviergard. It was a most enjoyable event due to the great company and yummy treats y’all brought."

The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally published in the December 2013 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date:  November 30, 2013

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