"And the Chalice, which was lost in the passage of time, was again found amid the cheering of the multitudes" - from Sharp Pointy Teeth and Other Tales, The Selviergard Chronicles
The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Banners fluttered in the light breeze and ladies fair gazed upon the tournament field as fighters, with polished helm, entered the field ready to do honor to their opponents and those who witnessed the tournament. Selviergard's grand Pas d'Armes was indeed an event that will be well remembered. The event opened with archery as those with bow, arrow, crossbow, and bolt took to the range to partake in a favorite pastime in Selviergard…archery competition. A total of fifteen adult archers took to the field to participate in Royal Rounds and the Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition.
After the archery concluded it was time for the opening court. Court was held under the new Baronial pavilion amid the warmth of a beautiful Spring day. In his court, Baron Halfdan welcomed both Shawn and Arabella, Prince and Princess of Oertha as well as Baroness Elspeth of Eskalya. From there, His Excellency welcomed all to the event and expressed his excitement to start the day and celebrate the Chivalric and Courtly virtues so important in our Society.
Before the start of the Pas d'Armes; Baron Halfdan asked the fighters to introduce themselves to the Gallery so that they would be known better to those gentles watching their valor and skill. From there, he made a short speech welcoming them to the tournament field and briefly told the tale of the lost Chalice of Peace and his desire for its safe return to the lands of Selviergard.
Sir Søren introduces himself and his squires at the beginning of Selviergard's Pas d'Armes. May 23, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.