"And the Chalice, which was lost in the passage of time, was again found amid the cheering of the multitudes" - from Sharp Pointy Teeth and Other Tales, The Selviergard Chronicles
The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Banners fluttered in the light breeze and ladies fair gazed upon the tournament field as fighters, with polished helm, entered the field ready to do honor to their opponents and those who witnessed the tournament. Selviergard's grand Pas d'Armes was indeed an event that will be well remembered. The event opened with archery as those with bow, arrow, crossbow, and bolt took to the range to partake in a favorite pastime in Selviergard…archery competition. A total of fifteen adult archers took to the field to participate in Royal Rounds and the Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition.
After the archery concluded it was time for the opening court. Court was held under the new Baronial pavilion amid the warmth of a beautiful Spring day. In his court, Baron Halfdan welcomed both Shawn and Arabella, Prince and Princess of Oertha as well as Baroness Elspeth of Eskalya. From there, His Excellency welcomed all to the event and expressed his excitement to start the day and celebrate the Chivalric and Courtly virtues so important in our Society.
Before the start of the Pas d'Armes; Baron Halfdan asked the fighters to introduce themselves to the Gallery so that they would be known better to those gentles watching their valor and skill. From there, he made a short speech welcoming them to the tournament field and briefly told the tale of the lost Chalice of Peace and his desire for its safe return to the lands of Selviergard.
Sir Søren introduces himself and his squires at the beginning of Selviergard's Pas d'Armes. May 23, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
The following heavy fighters took to the tournament field: Prince Shawn of Oertha, Sir Cyrus Aurelius, Sir Søren j Alborgh, Sir Kenric Maur, Sir Gregor Hawke, Dominus Sextus Valerius Crusillus, Lord Ulfgar Torkson, Lord Nikor from the Isle of Oaks, Hraði Kötter, and Sean McCarty, The following rapier fighters took to the tournament field: Donna Etain O'Rowarke, Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad, and Lady Angela of Eskalya. Throughout the tournament both the fighters and the Gallery were encouraged to bestow ribbons to those whose words or deeds best exemplified the Society's period values. They included courage, justice, mercy, generosity, faith, nobility, and hope. Noble traits, often termed courtly graces, were also determined by those in attendance. They included style, charm, grace, elegance, eloquence, élan, and artistry.
There were several different types of battles to participate in the Pas d'Armes. These included a Grand Melee, The Giant, various Barrier Fights, and the Courteous Knight setting. These scenarios offered different opportunities for both heavy and rapier fighters to show off their skills and graces as they had fun and entertained the gallery.
Knights vs. The World; the Bridge Battle scenario of Selviergard's Pas d'Armes. May 23, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
The Rapier community also took to the field and participated in the same scenarios as their Heavy counterparts. While smaller in number, the Rapier fighters made up for their numbers with enthusiasm and skill which made it fun to watch and quite entertaining to behold.
The Rapier Fighters duel with blades over the barrier at Selviergard's Pas d'Armes. May 23, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
Towards the end of the day, after the tournament, five children participated in youth archery. The smiles on their faces, readily apparent to all, showed how much they enjoyed the activity and a chance to take part in competition as well. Under the watchful eye of Viscount Fergus MacThomais and Baron Stephen de la Bere the children learned skills important to all archers and had a wonderful time doing so. Selviergardian feasts, well known throughout Oertha, are a wonderful affair with plenty of food to eat. While the Barony provided the meat, it was the populace that brought out dishes to share which made the meal quite a wonderful experience. After feast, Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin was ushered to the Autocrat, Viscountess Isabella Hawke. It was there that she told him that he was determined by the Gallery as the most honorable fighter of the day, and as such, would present the Chalice of Peace unto Baron Halfdan. From there she told her tale: the Chalice of Peace was never lost at all, but held safely by herself until such time a worthy person could be found to deliver it to its rightful owner. Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin immediately sought out the Baron of Selviergard, and in a grand show of honor, presented the Chalice to His Excellency.
The Chalice of Peace; the goal of Selviergard's Pas d'Armes. May 23, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
Bardic was held at the end of the day. Songs and stories were told around the fires with gusto and skill to the delight of all in attendance. Comradery and friendship reigned as the day ended and progressed into a glorious night. The next day of Selviergard's Pas d'Armes brought several activities amid the breaking down of camp. Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri led dancing on the tournament field much to the delight of those who, after relearning some dance moves, moved with grace and style. Afterwards, the final court of the event took place under the baronial pavilion. Baron Halfdan thanked all who were in attendance and, after a brief announcement from the autocrats of Summer Coronet, proceeded with baronial business as needed.
The Autocrat for the day's event was brought forward for her final announcements. The declaration that the Chalice of Peace had been found by Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin was made much to the delight of the populace. Additionally, a skilled youth archer who attained the most points in her division, Elsa MacThomais, was recognized and gifted a strand of pearls in court. Lady Ciara der Alcan was recognized as the populace's choice as the most gracious lady and received a strand of pearls from the Baron as well. Viscount Fergus MacThomais was recognized as the most Chivalrous lord for the day and gifted a strand of jasper beads for his chivalry an honor. He also received a gift of beads from the Baron as a thank you for his work as the Marshal for the tournament. The Autocrat was thanked with a bronze Norse ring for her hard work and dedication, as is Baron Halfdan's custom.
Pas d'Armes are a great way to showcase those values which make the Society for Creative Anachronism whole; a fertile place for The Dream to thrive. Selviergard's Pas d'Armes was no exception. It was an event where all virtues were displayed and acknowledged. There are no winners or losers in a Pas; the tournament is simply there to entertain the gallery while having fun and showing off the virtues of all…a perfect activity to showcase all of Oertha. At the end of the day, Baron Halfdan was heard to say "I am so very proud of Selviergard. I am so very proud of Oertha. Today, The Dream thrived here."
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the June 2015 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: May 23-24, 2015
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