Monday, February 1, 2016

Oertha's Prince and Princess Revealed!

The Principality of Oertha--Winter’s icy fingers gripped at the witness’s cloaks in attempt to draw them away to the warmth of the hall but the vast majority weathered the harsh climes of winter in Oertha to observe the choosing of a new Prince and Princess. Inside; banners were hung on the wall, tables were decorated with gusto, and the hall was filled by those around the Principality in attendance--a welcome sight as many Oerthans gathered this weekend in great numbers to partake in something special, the Winter Coronet and Investiture.

The opening court of the day saw some announcements and the swearing of fealty to the King and Queen of the West by the baronages of the various baronies in the Principality and by the Knights, Laurels, Pelicans, and other Peers of the Realm. In addition, Mistress CaitrĂ­ona inghean ui Chionaodha was inducted into the Order of the Laurel for her many wondrous works in the artistic aspect of the Society. From there, those who would fight in the tournament to determine the next Prince and Princess of Oertha were brought in, amid great pageantry and splendor, to swear the oath and prepare themselves for the tournament.

Entrants to the Coronet Lists of Oertha swear the Oath. January 16, 2016.  Photograph by Yamano Yuki.