Sunday, May 1, 2016

Collegium Again Successful

“And so go forth and learn, my young friend…go forth and learn great things.”
From Sharp Pointy Teeth and Other Tales; The Selviergard Chronicles

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Barony of Selviergard and the Barony of Eskalya once again hosted a bi-baronial collegium which had twenty-five classes spread out through two days; an event that hosted people from all over the Principality who took the opportunity to learn new things and acquire new skills that help make the Principality of Oertha a stunning place to live in.  This event, the latest in several of bi-baronial events, was an amazing activity that was well attended.

Instructors from all over the Principality, and even two from out-of-kingdom, participated and taught a varied selection of classes which spanned huge sections of arts and sciences and even fighting techniques and styles.  There was something for everyone with three or four classes happening at once all throughout the day.

Students learn the fine art of Illumination during one of the classes at the Bi-Baronial Collegium.  April 2, 2016.  Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson.

There was no opening court as the day started with students eager to learn new things.  With the ring of the bell the classes begun; each student racing to a classroom to begin with eager instructors.  As with most collegiums, many students made deals with others by promising to trade handouts from one class for another that they wanted to take that was in the same timeslot…and there were many class notes to go around.  Instructors were kind enough to offer pointers and ideas even after their classes were concluded.

There was a lot of different classes to choose from; this year’s Collegium was full of diverse classes.  Topics ranged from calligraphy and illumination, thoughts and ideas for running events, pottery, cooking, marionettes, camping, and even diverse fighting styles.  There was truly something for everyone to partake in.

During the lunch break there was a brief court.  Both their Excellencies from Eskalya and Selviergard were in attendance as well as Shawn, the Prince of Oertha.  In Their Excellency’s combined court, Baron Halfdan and Baroness Elspeth bestowed tokens of appreciation to the instructors and thanked them for willingly giving their expertise; noting that the knowledge they were giving would echo into the future of the word-fame of the Principality.  Additionally, their Excellencies gave the autocrats tokens, bronze rings from the Baron of Selviergard, and tokens from the Baroness of Eskalya.  

Afterwards, His Highness had business in which he inducted Baroness Elisheva bint Sitt al-Sirr into the Order of the Argent Flame—a recognition for her hospitality to all—and honored Mistress Margarita di Calvi with the Order of the Sandhill Crane for her continued heraldic presence for her and her household at events.  With the end of court, classes once again resumed.

The weather held very well for both days, and the unusually warm season made the outdoor Rapier classes quite popular.  Teachers taught different techniques from the Masters such as Meyer, Agrippa, Fabris, and Sainct Didier.  Students practiced the examples of the instructors to learn new moves and new thoughts to the art of fencing.  Many new styles were taught, and students came away from the classes with new talents of which they could practice and then utilize in the next tournament.

Lord Sevastian teaches a class on his chosen Rapier Master at the Bi-Baronial Collegium.  April 2, 2016.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

In between classes on the second day, His Highness Shawn called a brief court in which he welcomed Delphina de Grenada into the Order of the Ursa Major; an honor bestowed for those who guide the children of the Principality of Oertha.  From there, the final series of classes began.

Fighter Practice is held towards the end of the event.  April 3, 2016.  Photograph by Yamano Yuki.

It seems, more often than not, that even if there is no fighter practice scheduled at an event, fighters will always find a way to squeeze a practice in.  And so, during the strong, warm light of the early afternoon on the second day, the fighters gathered together to swing swords at each the other.  Sir Bjorn Jorsalfar, one of the guest instructors from out-of-kingdom, took the time to practice with the fighters; offering advice and pointers along the way.

With the end of the day, the instructors gently guided the last of their lingering students out the door, tables were packed up, and many plans were made for the next event, discourse of future household project nights, or the excited discussion of a myriad of different things that people learned.  The sunlight shone strong as people left to their own homes armed not with swords or daggers, but with knowledge…knowledge and plans and the acquired skills to help make the Society an even brighter place.

The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the May 2016 edition of The DragonTale
May 1, 2016

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