Thursday, August 25, 2016

Champions for Selviergard Chosen

Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Though the rain claimed a vast majority of the weekend, those who attended the Barony of Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament event had fun with a variety of things to do and warm food and friendship.  The yearly baronial event marks the time that new champions are sought by the populace in the fields of Heavy, Rapier, Youth Archery, Adult Archery, and Thrown Weapons.  Needless to say, the friendly competition between all was fun to watch and partake in.

On Friday night the site opened to a few campers who spent the evening around the campfire telling stories and enjoying each the others company before heading off to bed to take part of the event in the morning.

On Saturday, Baron Halfdan welcomed into his court Kenric and Dagmar, the Prince and Princess of Oertha, and greeted those who took the time to come out and enjoy and participate in the event.  The opening baronial court also saw the release of His Excellency’s champions in preparation for new ones to be chosen at that event.  With three cheers the Baron released the assembled populace to make ready for the tournaments.

Baron Halfdan renews his oath to the populace of Selviergard in the opening court at Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament.  August 6, 2016.  Photograph by Yamano Yuki-san.