Thursday, August 25, 2016

Champions for Selviergard Chosen

Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Though the rain claimed a vast majority of the weekend, those who attended the Barony of Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament event had fun with a variety of things to do and warm food and friendship.  The yearly baronial event marks the time that new champions are sought by the populace in the fields of Heavy, Rapier, Youth Archery, Adult Archery, and Thrown Weapons.  Needless to say, the friendly competition between all was fun to watch and partake in.

On Friday night the site opened to a few campers who spent the evening around the campfire telling stories and enjoying each the others company before heading off to bed to take part of the event in the morning.

On Saturday, Baron Halfdan welcomed into his court Kenric and Dagmar, the Prince and Princess of Oertha, and greeted those who took the time to come out and enjoy and participate in the event.  The opening baronial court also saw the release of His Excellency’s champions in preparation for new ones to be chosen at that event.  With three cheers the Baron released the assembled populace to make ready for the tournaments.

Baron Halfdan renews his oath to the populace of Selviergard in the opening court at Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament.  August 6, 2016.  Photograph by Yamano Yuki-san.
There were no heavy or rapier tournaments as scheduled for Saturday as there was not enough fighters.  However, there was a grand showing to the Archery and Thrown Weapons tournament field…activities which took over the day.  Many people attended to test their skills against others from different groups around the Principality while others came only to watch the skills of those vying for the title of Champion.  With there being no residency requirements for any of the champions there were many who partook in the activities.

The Youth archery competition took place first.  The youth of the groups showed both skill and prowess and they drew back their bowstrings and attempted to take the prize as Selviergard’s Youth Champion.  Many arrows hit the targets, some gaining points, and very few were shot into the woods to be eagerly retrieved.

After the youth it was the adults turn to test their skills.  The targets were varied; from a bird in flight to an enemy behind a slotted window and even the traditional bulls-eye target known to many.  Talent and ability were demonstrated by all that day as each person did their best and, more importantly, had fun.

From there the adults took to the thrown weapons contest; both thrown axes and spears.  The axes seemed to be the favored weapon by many, with differing distances from the mark for each round.  Laughter filled the woods as axe blades either stuck in the wood or bounced off or missed their targets completely.  The spears were somewhat new to many people and many participants practiced how to throw the spears properly so that they would stick into the target.  It was great fun until one of the spears broke (some claim by the hand of Princess Dagmar, but of course that is just hear-say); the act of which effectively ended the Spear Throwing portion of the tournament.

Lord Nikor of the Isle of Oaks takes careful aim at the target during the Thrown Weapons Tournament at Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament.  August 6, 2016.  Photograph by Baron Halfdan Ozurrson.

The day ended underneath the large pavilion, out of inclement weather, with a feast.  Families and households set up their tables and enjoyed the dry space together; laughing and talking and eating various food items brought out for the event.

The bardic around the campfire later on in the evening was one that will be remembered fondly.  Songs that we sing regularly, songs that we don’t sing often enough, and new songs were brought forward and shared with the populace.  The fire was warm and marshmallows were brought out to roast over the campfire; there is rumor that s’mores were to be had as well by the youth and young at heart as well.  The night ended and people made way to their warm, dry beds.

Sunday brought the end of the event.  In the morning the Barony of Selviergard had their business meeting; discussing many topics and ideas to help further along the group.  Afterwards, Baron Halfdan once again held a court to officially close out the event and acknowledge his new champions.

Since there were no heavy or rapier fighters present besides his champions from the previous year, Baron Halfdan reaffirmed Viscount Fergus mac Thomais as Warlord of Selviergard alongside his lady, Mistress Margarita di Calvi, as Shieldmaid.  Donna Etain O’Rowarke was reaffirmed as Selviergard’s Rapier Champion with Master Rodrigo de Reinosa as her Inspiration.  Viscount Fergus mac Thomais also took up the mantle of Archery and Thrown Weapons Champion as he bested the other competitors on the field the day before.  However, a new Youth Archery Champion was chosen; the talented Adele mac Thomais.

Baron Halfdan reaffirms Viscount Fergus mac Thomais and Mistress Margarita di Calvi as Warlord and Shieldmaid of Selviergard during the final court.  August 7, 2016.  Photograph by Yamano Yuki-san.

Their Highnesses, Kenric and Dagmar, took opportunity in court to acknowledge their court members with a token of service to Her Highnesses person as well as heartily welcome newcomers to the event in Principality court with thoughtful tokens.

With the close of court preparations were made to pack up gear and head on home.

Though Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament was wet weekend; the warmth and hospitality of the entire Principality of Oertha was readily apparent.  A warm cloak, hot food, a dry area to sit under, and friendly hospitality is all that is really needed to stay content as Summer gives way to an early Fall in the lands of the Barony of Selviergard.

The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the September 2016 edition of The DragonTale
August 25, 2016

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