Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Chicken Wars a Success; Many Egg Puns Cracked

“The War of the Chicken [has] come to Oertha / Easily destroying fields and cattle…”
--from a missive by Mistress Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor

Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Amid a weekend of egg puns, rooster crowing, and splendid pageantry did the Baronies of Selviergard and Eskalya, alongside the entire Principality, celebrate the fifth Chicken Wars in the lands of Oertha.  At this Chicken Wars; Mistress Anne of Bradford and Mistress Else Hünrvogt both led their armies against the other for the sole reason, it would seem, that both exalted ladies had a chicken as part of their heraldry.  But truthfully; who needs any reason for a war!?

The two armies clashed on a pleasant field in the lands of Central Selviergard amid some sun and some rain late in the month of August.  The War was met with great enthusiasm and mirth with many people attending from around the Principality and from Central Kingdom.  The two Captains were in attendance as well, travelling all the way from their holds in Central Kingdom; helping to bring together a Chicken Wars for many who have never been a part of it before.

The Chickens™.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.  August 20, 2016.