“Feast is a special time in Selviergard in which the nobles sit at the same table as the workers of the field and enjoy time together.” From The Chronicles of Selviergard
Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--An Autumn festival, popular in the lands of Germany, was celebrated by Selviergardians towards the end of October. People from all over the Principality of Oertha were invited to share a feast to celebrate Fall with food, friendship, and celebration. The event was a spectacular way to spend time with each other and to enjoy a wonderful array of food.
There was no opening court; since there was a small number of people that early in the day. However, the Autocrat of the event, Lady Delphina de Grenada, opened with announcements on the activities planned for her Oktoberfest.
JoJo enjoys the fruit of her labor at the Barony of Selviergard’s Oktoberfest celebration. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson. October 29, 2016.