The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha--Eskalyans celebrated the Isle of Mann’s Celtic festival with many different activities that delighted and amused the assembled populace. Many Oerthans made it out to the Barony’s event to enter in some of the many competitions available, to partake in the marshal activities, or just simply to schmooze.
The event opened with a court from Her Excellency, Baroness Elspeth, who welcomed all and called forward the event Autocrat for her words. After her initial welcome the Autocrat, Mistress Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor listed off the activities that she had planned—all of which were quite exciting. From there, the event officially started.
The event opened with a court from Her Excellency, Baroness Elspeth, who welcomed all and called forward the event Autocrat for her words. After her initial welcome the Autocrat, Mistress Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor listed off the activities that she had planned—all of which were quite exciting. From there, the event officially started.
Baroness Rolynnda of the Azure Stone carves a turnip in celebration of
Hop-tu-Naa in the Barony of Eskalya.
October 22, 2016. Photograph by
Halfdan Ozurrson.
Turnip Carving is one of the key activities for any Hop-tu-Naa event. With plenty of root vegetables on hand; the populace was invited to create their own carved turnip lantern. Many people took the opportunity to attack the roots; hollowing them out and carving scary or amusing faces on them. There were other root vegetables as well, including beets and rutabagas, but the turnips seemed the most popular.
Before the fighting took place, there was a three-legged race to celebrate the Isle of Mann, who’s device just happens to be three legs conjoined together, the design and shape of which is also called a triskele. This particular triskele has been associated with the Isle of Mann for centuries, and a three-legged race was a perfect way to participate in at a primarily Isle of Mann themed event. Many people raced down the hall and back again while tethered to another person. It was a joy to watch and there was great laughter and cheer. It was Her Highness, Dagmar the Red, and Lady Sylvia of Thrace that was the determined winner of the race—effectively working together to build up speed by using precise methods in alternating which leg to put forward.
Tiana Brann mac Finnchad and Donna Étaín
O’Rowarke fight on the rapier field at the Barony of Eskalya’s Hop-tu-Naa
event. October 22, 2016. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
The Barony of Eskalya’s Hop-tu-Naa had two marshal
tournaments held at the event. There
were three Rapier fighters who took up blades to duel. Donna Étaín O’Rowarke, Lady Angela of
Eskalya, and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad.
The fights were close and at the end of the Round Robin tournament and it
was determined that there was a three-way tie.
The final bout, which was a grand melee, ended up determining the winner
of the tournament; Lady Angela of Eskalya.
There were only two heavy fighters to take part in the tournament; Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin and Lord Hraði
Kǫttr. Both fighters fought well in
a grueling tournament. In the end, it
was determined that Lord Sevastian had won the tournament.
Princess Dagmar attepts to pin the tail on the cat at the Barony of
Eskalya’s Hop-tu-Naa event. October 22,
2016. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
According a legend from the Isle of Mann; the Manx cat lost its tail when the cats were deciding whether or not to get onto Noah’s Ark. While the cats were trying to decide, the door to the ark closed on their tails. With this amusing story the Autocrat invited all to try to pin the tail on the cat which was a lot of fun to watch. Participants were blindfolded and spun around several times before trying to place the tail in the correct location. In the end, it was Her Highness Dagmar and Lady Angela of Eskalya who tied in this competition, wherein both were sent out under a time limit to break the tie—with Lady Angela of Eskalya winning in the end.
A feast was held afterwards, in which the populace delighted in various foods brought by those in attendance to grace the groaning board. Fine dishes of assorted food items were enjoyed by the populace at beautifully decorated tables.
After the toasts were made there was time for spooky stories to be told during the feast. There was a total of four entrants who wowed and scared the assembled feast-goers. There was a period recount of the walking dead by Mistress Clare Elana de Montfort, a ghostly song by Lady Sylvia of Thrace, and stories told by Lord Rin McCray and Lord Sevastian. It was, in the end, Lord Sevastian who was deemed to have the spookiest story with his Russian tale of terror. However, all the entrants to the scary story did an amazing job and the spookiness of the event was helped along by these bardic inspirations.
Court signaled the close of the day. In court, Baroness Elspeth thanked everybody for attending the event. Mistress Cynehild was brought forward where she gave out prizes for the various winners of activities as well as took the time to thank all those who were able to come out for a fun time in the Barony of Eskalya. Three cheers were given, and with that, the site began to close.
There was time, however, for a “meet and greet” with the two couples in running for the Thrones of the Barony of Eskalya. The activity was well attended with people asking questions on the nominees to help further understand each couple’s plans to further the greatness of the Barony of Eskalya. Both sets of nominees did a wonderful job in expressing their views and ideas in regards to the barony.
With the event officially closed, the celebrants went back to their homes with good memories of a wonderful event.
A feast was held afterwards, in which the populace delighted in various foods brought by those in attendance to grace the groaning board. Fine dishes of assorted food items were enjoyed by the populace at beautifully decorated tables.
After the toasts were made there was time for spooky stories to be told during the feast. There was a total of four entrants who wowed and scared the assembled feast-goers. There was a period recount of the walking dead by Mistress Clare Elana de Montfort, a ghostly song by Lady Sylvia of Thrace, and stories told by Lord Rin McCray and Lord Sevastian. It was, in the end, Lord Sevastian who was deemed to have the spookiest story with his Russian tale of terror. However, all the entrants to the scary story did an amazing job and the spookiness of the event was helped along by these bardic inspirations.
Court signaled the close of the day. In court, Baroness Elspeth thanked everybody for attending the event. Mistress Cynehild was brought forward where she gave out prizes for the various winners of activities as well as took the time to thank all those who were able to come out for a fun time in the Barony of Eskalya. Three cheers were given, and with that, the site began to close.
There was time, however, for a “meet and greet” with the two couples in running for the Thrones of the Barony of Eskalya. The activity was well attended with people asking questions on the nominees to help further understand each couple’s plans to further the greatness of the Barony of Eskalya. Both sets of nominees did a wonderful job in expressing their views and ideas in regards to the barony.
With the event officially closed, the celebrants went back to their homes with good memories of a wonderful event.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the December 2016 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: October 22, 2016
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