Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Very Magical Samhein

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha—The hall was festooned with magical decorations in time for the Barony of Eskalya’s Samhein event.  With floating jack-o-lanterns and candles and messenger owls scattered throughout; the hall looked like something from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry…which was exactly what was intended.

The magical hall begins to fill as the event starts at the Barony of Eskalya’s Samhein event.  October 28, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Rain and Shine; Coronet Well Attended

The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West—Populace members from all over the Principality came together to a secluded field in the Barony of Winter’s Gate to witness the selection of the Prince and Princess of Oertha’s heirs by right of combat.  It was here that a weekend of combat, celebration, and renewed friendships accented the twice-yearly Principality event: Oertha’s Summer Coronet and Investiture.

This year’s Coronet was different from those in the past.  Traditionally the winner of the Coronet Tournament and their inspiration would be crowned as Prince and Princess the next day.  However, with the West Kingdom’s Purgatorio Coronation being held in Oertha in late August, it was decided to simply have the elevation of the new heirs at the Kingdom event.  The change of structure for this event allowed for many more fun things to take place that normally may not have happened due to the time constraints of normal Coronets and Investitures.

On Friday the site opened to all.  There was excitement in the air as pavilions were set up and decorated with period furniture, colorful banners, and snacks set out for the occasional visitor.  Everybody was ready to spend time with friends and family, to witness the Coronet Tournament, and to take part in the various activities scheduled throughout the weekend.

While the weather on Saturday morning was promising for the day; it was right before the opening court that the heavens opened and it rained heavily.  However, this simple fact of Oerthan Summer did not deter those who sought to enjoy the event and attend opening court.  The Prince and Princess invited all to gather close to attend the proceedings which was held in the largest pavilion found to accommodate all of the people who wished to attend the Invocation ceremony that would start the event.

Words of welcome from Prince Søren and Princess Alienor and some general announcements were followed by the Invocation Court in which seven fighters presented themselves along with their consorts.  It was these fighters that would take the field in hopes of attaining the Coronets of Oertha for the coming months.  The fighters took the oath and were released to prepare for the tournament.

Entrants into the Lists swear the Oath before the tournament at the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet Tournament.  July 15, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.