Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Rain and Shine; Coronet Well Attended

The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West—Populace members from all over the Principality came together to a secluded field in the Barony of Winter’s Gate to witness the selection of the Prince and Princess of Oertha’s heirs by right of combat.  It was here that a weekend of combat, celebration, and renewed friendships accented the twice-yearly Principality event: Oertha’s Summer Coronet and Investiture.

This year’s Coronet was different from those in the past.  Traditionally the winner of the Coronet Tournament and their inspiration would be crowned as Prince and Princess the next day.  However, with the West Kingdom’s Purgatorio Coronation being held in Oertha in late August, it was decided to simply have the elevation of the new heirs at the Kingdom event.  The change of structure for this event allowed for many more fun things to take place that normally may not have happened due to the time constraints of normal Coronets and Investitures.

On Friday the site opened to all.  There was excitement in the air as pavilions were set up and decorated with period furniture, colorful banners, and snacks set out for the occasional visitor.  Everybody was ready to spend time with friends and family, to witness the Coronet Tournament, and to take part in the various activities scheduled throughout the weekend.

While the weather on Saturday morning was promising for the day; it was right before the opening court that the heavens opened and it rained heavily.  However, this simple fact of Oerthan Summer did not deter those who sought to enjoy the event and attend opening court.  The Prince and Princess invited all to gather close to attend the proceedings which was held in the largest pavilion found to accommodate all of the people who wished to attend the Invocation ceremony that would start the event.

Words of welcome from Prince Søren and Princess Alienor and some general announcements were followed by the Invocation Court in which seven fighters presented themselves along with their consorts.  It was these fighters that would take the field in hopes of attaining the Coronets of Oertha for the coming months.  The fighters took the oath and were released to prepare for the tournament.

Entrants into the Lists swear the Oath before the tournament at the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet Tournament.  July 15, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

The competition would follow the traditional format for the Principality—a double elimination tournament.  The fighters took to the field of honor with their consorts witnessing their deeds on the sidelines.  As the tournament progressed some fighters were eliminated from the lists and some moved forward into the tournament.  All of the contestants fought well and with honor regardless of what their placing in the Tournament was.  As is the intent with these types of tournaments, however, there can be only one victor.  It came down to the final bout between Viscounts Fergus mac Thomais and Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn where the victor would be determined by the best two out of three fights.  The first battle between these two finalists saw Viscount Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn give a devastating blow to Viscount Fergus mac Thomais, thus winning the first fight.  After a quick reset the second fight began in which Viscount Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn held the field and took the win of the Coronet Tournament.

In the ceremony directly after the Coronet Tournament Sir Duncan was recognized by the Prince and Princess and named Lord Borealis.  Receiving the token from the Princess’ hand; Sir Duncan crowned his inspiration, Viscountess Violet Tailyeaour, as Lady Borealis.  The two would take up the Coronets of Oertha at Purgotorio Coronation in late August in Oertha.  Three cheers were given to the heirs to the Lupine Thrones and there were many congratulations given to the couple.

Viscount Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn crowns his Lady, Viscountess Violet Tailyeaour, as Lady Borealis at the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet Tournament.  July 15, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

After the Ceremony the field was opened to all those who wished to participate in the Rose’s Tournament.  For those unfamiliar with a Rose’s Tournament; the winners of individual bouts have a single rose, usually bestowed by the Princess, delivered to a person of the winner’s choice.  The person who lost the bout is the person who delivers the rose--sometimes alongside a flowery speech as to who won and their prowess and chivalry upon the field.  This activity, adored by many, helped elevate the romantic part of chivalry for all—especially for the fighters and their consorts.  The field, while mainly taken over by the heavy fighters had several Rapier fighters as well as they too took part in the Tournament.

The Rose’s Tournament begins in full earnest at the Principality of Oertha’s Coronet Tournament.  July 15, 2017.  Photograph by Yamano Yuki.

With the successful completion of the Rose’s Tournament it was time for one-on-one training for any fighters who wished to do so.  With plenty of Knights around there was ample opportunity to learn a new move or how to block a certain blow.  Additionally, the Archery field was opened to allow training for those who were interested in being an Archery Marshal.

There was more for the populace to do than only watch the armored adults test themselves.  The Spinning class by Baroness Ellisif a Reikiavik, aimed at the younger generation but certainly open to all, was a wonderful way for youth and adults interested in the art to learn how to spin fiber into yarn.  As with many of Baroness Ellisif’s classes; the youth were well occupied and excited about what they were doing for a long time with many wonderful works coming out of that class for all to see.

After the Rose’s Tournament; Princess Alienor of Oertha decided to hold a tradition almost as old as the Principality itself.  The Princess’ Tea was well received as finger foods and fine companionship were in ample supply amongst the fairer of the sexes.  The Tea lasted a good while with much discussion and laughter emanating from the pavilion.

A fair time after these various activities the evening Court of Prince Søren and Princess Alienor took place.  It was here that awards were given and people recognized for their various works alongside some announcements and other items deemed of import for such a proceeding.

Baroness Ellisif took a moment of the Court’s time to acknowledge the youth who took part in her spinning class.  She called those who took part and offered kind and encouraging words to each youth and commented on their works while bringing them to attention of the Prince and Princess of Oertha.  From there, Mistress Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor, the Principality Arts and Sciences Minister was called forward to announce the winner of the yearly Arts and Sciences competition.  This year, Lord Camshron was once again recognized as the Lumen Borealis of the Principality for his amazing works in a variety of different fields of art.  In following the arts and sciences theme: new Principality cloaks were presented to Their Highnesses by Baroness Elisheva bint Sitt al-Sirr, Viscountess Violet Tailyeaour, and Lady Elena Verch Rhys.  The cloaks were impressive to behold and well received not only by the populace members but by Their Highnesses as well.

Court then changed themes from arts and sciences to recognizing the service of others.  Viscountess Isabella Hawke was called forward to receive into her possession a beautiful scroll commemorating her Award of Arms that was delivered to Oertha from faraway lands.  At the same time, Ryutarou Komori was bestowed an Award of Arms for his continual service to the Principality and the Kingdom as a whole.

Three of the Principalities Historians, those who document the events for future generations, were also recognized by the Prince and Princess of Oertha with favors.  The Coronet’s Favor was given to Baron Halfdan of Selviergard, Baron Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov, and Yamano Yuki-san for their works.  While the historians were afraid that there would be nobody to document part of the court; several people stepped in and grabbed their cameras to continue preserving the history of the Principality of Oertha.

More awards were presented to several worthy individuals.  Lord Hans Shaffer was presented the Diamond Willow for his service to the Principality.  Additionally, Mistress Saphira the Navigator was bestowed the Oerthan Sword for her prowess on the field of battle.  Lady Gisla Œðikollr, also known as Lady Cassandra of Winter’s Gate, was acknowledged for her personal service to the Coronets with the Coronets Favor.  The Boreal Fireweed, a new award crafted by the Prince and Princess of Oertha quite recently, was bestowed upon Baroness Cynehild of Eskalya for her teaching the various arts and sciences.  Additionally, Lady Sylvia of Thrace, who gives so much to the bardic arts in Oertha, was acknowledged with the Snowy Owl.  Additionally, Sir Duncan was given the Coronet’s Favour for his service to the Prince and Princess of Oertha.

From there, it was time to go into the business aspect of court.

In the final part of this evening court the release of Braun and Cemper as the Baron and Baroness of Winter’s Gate took place.  In a beautiful ceremony, with their words spoken together, the baron and baroness were released with thanks from the Coronets of Oertha for their service.  The populace of the Barony were then brought forward to witness the elevation of Hans and Elena as the newest Baron and Baroness of Winter’s Gate.

Hans and Elena are made the new Baron and Baroness of Winter’s Gate at the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet Tournament.  July 15, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

With three cheers and the royalty of the Kingdom and the Principality recognized, the end of the afternoon court led into other celebrations and activities. 

After court; a celebration of love was held as Fearghus "Camshorn" MacGyllfynna and Fionnghuala held a hand-fasting ceremony in front of friends and family.  Officiated by Lady Cempestra Sidda O'Breoniann, the two newlyweds exchanged loving vows in front of friends and family and celebrated with some new-fangled bubbly white wine for all in attendance.

After the hand fasting the celebrations of the day’s event started with bardic and social gatherings quite popular amongst the populace members who decided to stay up late.  Many toasts were given, many cheers were roused, and many songs sung with enthusiasm as Oerthans celebrated well into the night—and some into the morning as well.

With the sun warming the next day the archery field was once again set up.  Archery, while not a common occurrence at Coronets is nonetheless quite a popular activity amongst the people of the Principality of Oertha.  Many people took the opportunity to shoot with bow and crossbow in the Royal Rounds.  Nine archers scores were submitted to the Kingdom lists with names of Oerthans becoming more and more prominent in the Archery rolls.  Additionally, there were several people who had the opportunity to try archery for the first time.

Archers take careful aim at the targets at the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet Tournament.  July 16, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

All good things, however, must come to an end, and with the noonday sun high above the heads of the participants and long drives ahead for many, it was time to start closing the event down.
Towards the very end of the event there was a closing court in which the Prince and Princess had some final words and rewarded and recognized more individuals for their diverse works and efforts within the Principality.  

Lord Hraði Kottr was called before Their Highnesses and admitted into the Order of the Diamond Willow for his various artistic works—most notably his scroll works and artistic designs of those scrolls given to others.

The winners of the Prince and Princess’ Whim were called forward.  His Highness’ Whim for the event was Pouches and Her Highness’ Whim was small woven items.  Viscountess Isabella Hawke and Her Ladyship Kharakhan Saran were called forward and rewarded and thanked for their winning entries in the competition.
The Princess’ Riband was bestowed upon Baroness Clare Elena of Eskalya and Lady Angela of Eskalya for their works in helping Princess Alienor make her reign run smoothly.

Hearkening to the days past in this great Principality; various guilds presented signed documents in support of the different guilds to the Prince and Princess of Oertha in hopes that Their Highnesses would consent to let the guilds continue to operate.  The Prince and Princess, upon seeing so many signatures on a variety of documents, gave blessings that the guilds should continue their good works.

The Oerthan Guilds are granted permission to continue to operate by the Prince and Princess of Oertha.  July 16, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

The Shield of Chivalry was also bestowed in this court.  The Shield of Chivalry is presented by the Princess in her final court; both the award and the token is awarded to the fighter who has displayed outstanding chivalry both on and off the field during the Coronet tournament.  This year, Lord Braun Sparrowhawk was recognized for his virtue and skill upon the battlefield. 

With his impending ascension to the Lupine Thrones, Viscount Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn temporarily stepped down from his position as Oerthan Marshal and the axe and position was given to Viscount Nathan Hartman to hold onto for the coming six months.  After this bit of court business, the information for the upcoming Purgatorio was given by Cynnehild, the Autocrat for the event.  She welcomed one and all to attend the Kingdom-level event in August with more information given on the upcoming event.

Last, but not least, Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri was awarded with the Coronet’s Favor for her unfailing service unto the Prince and Princess of Oertha.
The court ended with three cheers to the Prince and Princess of Oertha as well as the King and Queen of the Kingdom of the West.

As travelers prepared to head back to their own homes, memories of an exciting and warm weekend fresh in their heads and, as luck would have it, pavilions were dry and ready to pack up.  People said their farewells to each the other and headed home.

Our Coronets and Investitures are a way for all members of the Principality of Oertha, from near and far, to come together and renew friendships and celebrate The Dream together as a cohesive group.  Far too often, because of the distances between the groups, we are relegated to celebrating the Current Middle Ages in our own Baronies and Shires.  This year’s Summer Coronet was a great example of the love and friendship of all of the members of the Principality for each other.

The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally Published in the Fall 2017 edition of The Guardian
Event Date:  July 15-16, 2017

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