A little over twenty people showed up and plenty of food made its way to the groaning board. From potato salad and bratwurst, from sliced meats and cheeses to pasta salad…there was plenty to eat and the Barony of Selviergard once again proved that if you leave a Selviergard event hungry it is your own fault.
Besides eating vast quantities of food and sampling the different styles of brew; the activity provided ample atmosphere to visit with each other and schmooze the evening away. The conversations were quite varied, the laughter in great supply, and the company quite amazing as people gathered together and built stronger relationships with each other.
Additionally, there was a bit of live music to help liven up the evening. Lady Ástríðr Þórudóttir brought her husband along and together they performed some music for us all.
Live music is graciously provided at the Baron’s Brew and Bash activity. November 4, 2017. Photograph by Nemonna Vicana.