Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Feasting upon Spanish Delicacies

The Barony of Winter’s Gate, Oertha—Once per year the Barony of Winter’s Gate holds a served feast in which every year the theme changes…this year Winter’s Gate ventured into the kitchens of Medieval Spain.  The warm hall greeted visitors from near and far, and as the tradition of such an event, there was many conversation to be had by all as people visited with each the other and enjoyed each the others company.

There was still some kitchen preparation for the feast later in the evening, so volunteers helped the staff to ensure that there would be plenty of foods for all.  Apples peeled, pots stirred; there was something for everybody to help with.  Many hands make light work and the act of helping to prepare feast was one of the many fun parts of the event.

Baron Hans of Winter’s Gate helps peel apples at Michaelmas in the Barony of Winter’s Gate.  October 14, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
Many people we in attendance at the event and while the majority were from the Barony of Winter’s Gate there were also a few visitors from the Barony of Eskalya and the Barony of Selviergard.  Additionally, Duncan and Violet, the Prince and Princess of Oertha were in attendance as well.

There was a class held in which several members of the rapier community came together to present a class on the Arte of Defense.  Donna Etain O’Rowarke, Lord Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin, and Lady Angela of Eskalya led the class that was a wonderful opportunity for all gentles interested in Rapier to attend to acquire different drills, to practice techniques, and to learn about different styles used by the Rapier Community at large.  The class was well attended and a popular activity for many.

The Rapier Class is underway at the Barony of Winter’s Gate Michealmas.  October 14, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

There was plenty of things for people to do at Michealmas; with competitions and another class available—there was something for everybody.  Baron Hans held a Whim for things found in the afterlife while Baroness Elena sponsored a Whim for hats and period head-coverings.  In addition, there was also a general Arts and Sciences competition for sewn items.  Games provided included chess, backgammon, and cribbage and were part of a competition as well.  For those interested more in learning the gentler arts; a Lagatera, or Spanish embroidery class, was also provided.

The day continued with visiting, playing games, and snacking; but soon the main purpose of the Michaelmas event was upon the celebrants.  Michealmas is, indeed, a time to celebrate the season with loved ones; a day accented with songs, stories, and friendship…but the event is best known for fine foods of which to dine upon with great relish.  With a call to feast people sat at the provided tables with friends and family to be awed and amazed by delights brought from the kitchen by graceful servers. 

The first remove was laid out on the table as an appetizer to start the feast.  Spanish flatbread, called Cocas was set alongside almonds, olives, and oranges.  Additionally, Menya d’Angels, a type of sweet cheese, was also provided.

After these delights were devoured the servers brought forward a new set of delicacies to enjoy.  Two types of delicious pottages were presented: Potaje de Culantro Llamado Pimo and the Potatage de Porrada; the first being a chicken and the second being made of leek.  There was an amazing Casola de Carn, being a casserole made of beef and an intriguingly divine Podrida being a rice and blue cheese porridge.

During feast, Lord Sevastian told a wonderful story, as is his custom, from his trove of Russian folklore.  The theme, hospitality, fit the atmosphere of the event and was well received by all.

With plates wiped clean and conversation starting up again it appeared that some of the attendees thought that the feast was over; but the kitchen crew had desserts planned much to the delight of everybody.  Alongside Mexican-style hot chocolate was presented a Pomada along with Higos ala Francesa, an apple dish and French figs respectively.  However, the most amazing and anticipated part of dessert was the De Panades de Sucre fi; pastries with marzipan filling and covered in honey.  These small pastries, unfortunately, did not survive long after feast as they were consumed with great delight.

After the dishes had been cleared it was time for the court of Hans and Elena, the Baron and Baroness of Winter’s Gate.  Invited into their court were Duncan and Violet, the Prince and Princess of Oertha as well as Cynehild, Baroness of Eskalya and Halfdan, Baron of Selviergard.

Baron Hans and Baroness Elena opened their court by welcoming and thanking all for attending a beautiful Michealmas.  After their words, Melinda of Winter’s Gate was called forward and recognized for her service to the Barony of Winter’s Gate with a token.  From there, new court members were welcomed by Baroness Elena—Lord Hakim al-Basim ibn Rashid and Lady Aurelia daCanal and thanked with a token from Her Excellency.
From there, the Court changed over to a Principality court.  In-between courts, Baroness Cynehild told a story about one of her favorite historical figures; Saint Catherine.  Regaling all with a brief synopsis of the saint’s hagiography; Baroness Cynehild’s story was filled with humor and a welcome addition to court.

In the Court of Their Highnesses many worthy gentles were recognized for their efforts.  First, however, was the acceptance of Fealty from those Peers who did not get an opportunity to do so.  After the call for fealty the Prince and Princess proclaimed that Astrid of Winter’s Gate would be admitted into the Order of the Wandering Wolves and the award was received by Baron Braun Sparrowhawk on her behalf. Then Lady Talorc Caer Arienrhold was recognized with the Order of the Argent Flame for her unending hospitality to all.    Additionally, Lady Kára Blackstar de Torres was also called forward and offered admission into the Order of the Ursa Major; given to those who help guide the children of Oertha. Also in court, Mistress Sapphira the Navigator was inducted into the Order of the Polaris; a Principality award bestowed upon those who foster tradition and teach the customs and ways of the Society.  Last, but not least, Melinda of Winter’s Gate was given an Award of Arms for her service within her Barony and the Principality as a whole. 

From there, the court went back to a baronial court in which Their Excellencies of Winter’s Gate called forward the Autocrats of the day to give final words and announce winners of the various competitions.  Additionally, Baroness Margery Garret and Lady Iriniia Myshkinova were given the Baroness’ Recognition for their works and services, especially for the successful Michealmas and thanked by Their Excellencies. 

The Autocrat and Feastocrat are thanked in the court of Hans and Elena at the Michealmas held in the Barony of Winter’s Gate.  October 14, 2017.  Photograph by Rainna Fathirsdottir.

In their court, the Baron and Baroness of Winter’s Gate continued to acknowledge their populace’s diverse works and great honor:  Baron Braun Sparrowhawk was recognized as the victor of the Fall Captaincy tournament from the month prior and acknowledged as the Commander of the Militia while his lady, Baroness Cemper, was acknowledged as the Light of Winter’s Gate.  Additionally, Baron Braun and Baroness Cemper were awarded with the Order of the Estoile, a baronial award created to recognize those who have served the Barony of Winter’s Gate unfailingly and for the long term.  

Finally, in court, Mistress Sapphira the Navigator made the announcement that with various activities, fundraisers, and donations that the funds for the West Kingdom Disaster Relief Fun had reached over $200; an amazing feat from such a generous group of people.

With the final cheers still ringing in the hall, it was time to clean up the hall for the evening.  Celebrants moved tables, cleaned the hall, and said final farewells for what, hopefully, would not be too long an interval between visits.

With the delights of the day still fresh in their heads people made their way home head to warm beds excited to see what the next day would bring.  For those of the Barony of Winter’s Gate and those visitors staying a bit longer it was a fighter practice...and for those travelling from afar it would be the trek through the mountains to their own homes and own baronies.

This event would be fondly remembered as another wonderful Michealmas in the annals of history; the Barony of Winter’s Gate and her peoples continue to show that while they may live in the coldest, farthest northern reaches of the Principality of Oertha; their hearts and halls are quite warm and a joy to be with.

The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally Published in the December edition of The DragonTale
Event Date:  October 14, 2017

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