The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West—The icy grip of winter held the land for all it was worth and snow lay thick on the ground; but the great hall where the Principality of Oertha’s Winter Coronet and Investiture was held was warm and brightly lit—a wonderful space to celebrate the reign of Prince Duncan and Princess Violet and welcome Their successors. With esteemed visitors such as Hans and Helga, the King and Queen of the West and Prince Tuomas and Prince Snorri of the Mists in attendance, as well as welcomed visitors from various places in the West and even a few from faraway An Tir, the hall was filled with good cheer and much visiting as all eagerly awaited the events and activities for the weekend.
A brief court opened the event and it was here that Their Majesties accepted Fealty from those who wished to do so—including populace members who were invited to give homage to the King and Queen of the West in which many took the opportunity.
Members of the Principality of Oertha pay homage to the King and Queen of the West. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson. January 20, 2018.