A brief court opened the event and it was here that Their Majesties accepted Fealty from those who wished to do so—including populace members who were invited to give homage to the King and Queen of the West in which many took the opportunity.
Members of the Principality of Oertha pay homage to the King and Queen of the West. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson. January 20, 2018.
In his opening statement; Prince Duncan of Oertha welcomed everybody in attendance and made it known that he was very happy to see so many people and that he looked forward to the event with great anticipation. After welcoming Their Majesties as well as the Princes of the Mist it was time for some business in court before the Invocation of the Lists could commence.
As is law, every new award created by the Prince and Princess of Oertha must be read in court. It was here at this event that the newest award, the Order of the Princess’ Patrons, was proclaimed by the Principality Seneschal Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri. This award was created by Their Highnesses to recognize those who create items of largess that they so graciously donate to the royalty. Additionally, the Principality Arts and Sciences Minister was also called forward for her announcement regarding the ongoing Principality-level competition of which the next category, Stories of Courtly Love, were to be presented later that evening during feast.
The Autocrats of the day, Baroness Cynehild of Eskalya and Duke Skeggi Newcombe, welcomed all to the event and talked briefly about what to expect for the weekend. They closed stating that they wished for everyone to have fun and looked forward to enjoying the weekend with everybody.
The last business before the Invocation of the Lists was the presentation from the Barony of Flaming Gryphon in the Middle Kingdom. The Baron and Baroness’ Ambassador, Lady Marjorie de ffeyrefeld, gave welcomes and well-wishes to all present and gifted chocolates made in her home Barony to the sitting royalty as well as the populace of the Principality of Oertha.
With no more announcements it was time for the Invocation ceremony to begin. All the competitors to the Tournament lists were called forward, each in their own turn, to announce their intentions alongside their inspiration. Upon swearing the oath on the Great Axe of Oertha the participants to the Coronet Lists then challenged each the other for the first round of the tournament. With the ceremony concluded the court was finished and the preparations for the Coronet Tournament were quickly underway.
After the opening court the Broken Arrow Inn was open for lunch. Such delicacies as Chicken and Leek pies, Pies of Paris, Apple Muse, Wardonys in Syrup, and even a charcuterie board were available to the populace. Many took the opportunity to sample these fine delicacies provided by the Inn eliciting “oohs” and “ahhs” as people sampled what the Inn had to offer—all made and prepared by Baroness Clare Elana and her kitchen crew; Lady Leonia the Mouse and Lord Adam of Eskalya.
The tournament was about to begin and had seven combatants in total. While the weather was chilly and there was ample amount of snow; there were plenty of people bundled up warmly and outside along the side of the list field to witness the tournament. For those not inclined to spend the time outside; the hall had large windows overlooking the tournament field so that they could still enjoy the tournament.
As is law, every new award created by the Prince and Princess of Oertha must be read in court. It was here at this event that the newest award, the Order of the Princess’ Patrons, was proclaimed by the Principality Seneschal Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri. This award was created by Their Highnesses to recognize those who create items of largess that they so graciously donate to the royalty. Additionally, the Principality Arts and Sciences Minister was also called forward for her announcement regarding the ongoing Principality-level competition of which the next category, Stories of Courtly Love, were to be presented later that evening during feast.
The Autocrats of the day, Baroness Cynehild of Eskalya and Duke Skeggi Newcombe, welcomed all to the event and talked briefly about what to expect for the weekend. They closed stating that they wished for everyone to have fun and looked forward to enjoying the weekend with everybody.
The last business before the Invocation of the Lists was the presentation from the Barony of Flaming Gryphon in the Middle Kingdom. The Baron and Baroness’ Ambassador, Lady Marjorie de ffeyrefeld, gave welcomes and well-wishes to all present and gifted chocolates made in her home Barony to the sitting royalty as well as the populace of the Principality of Oertha.
With no more announcements it was time for the Invocation ceremony to begin. All the competitors to the Tournament lists were called forward, each in their own turn, to announce their intentions alongside their inspiration. Upon swearing the oath on the Great Axe of Oertha the participants to the Coronet Lists then challenged each the other for the first round of the tournament. With the ceremony concluded the court was finished and the preparations for the Coronet Tournament were quickly underway.
After the opening court the Broken Arrow Inn was open for lunch. Such delicacies as Chicken and Leek pies, Pies of Paris, Apple Muse, Wardonys in Syrup, and even a charcuterie board were available to the populace. Many took the opportunity to sample these fine delicacies provided by the Inn eliciting “oohs” and “ahhs” as people sampled what the Inn had to offer—all made and prepared by Baroness Clare Elana and her kitchen crew; Lady Leonia the Mouse and Lord Adam of Eskalya.
The tournament was about to begin and had seven combatants in total. While the weather was chilly and there was ample amount of snow; there were plenty of people bundled up warmly and outside along the side of the list field to witness the tournament. For those not inclined to spend the time outside; the hall had large windows overlooking the tournament field so that they could still enjoy the tournament.
Combatants prepare to enter the Coronet List. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. January 20, 2018.
The style of the tournament was best two fights out of three and double elimination—a standard Tournament list. There were plenty of acts of chivalry, unrivaled prowess, and amazing skill displayed from all combatants that day on the field of honor as each fighter vied for the win.
As the tournament progressed the number of entrants on the field dwindled down and, as with all tournaments, the finals were quickly upon those witnessing the tournament. The last two fighters on the field were Duke Skeggi Newcombe, fighting for the Honorable Lady Kharakan Saran, and Syr Culan mac Cianain, fighting for Baroness Elisheva bint Sitt al-Sirr. Continuing the best two fights out of three the fighters tested their mettle, prowess, and skill against the other in competition to win the Coronets of Oertha and elevate their inspiration as the Lady of the Snows; the Princess of Oertha.
The first fight went to Syr Culan mac Cianain while the second fight went to His Grace, Duke Skeggi Newcombe. The final fight would choose the winner and the new Heirs to the Lupine Thrones. In the end, with an elegant shot to his foe, it was His Grace, Duke Skeggi Newcombe that won the fight and was named as Lord Borealis alongside The Honorable Lady Kharakan Saran as Lady Borealis. The assembled populace had many cheers before heading back inside where it was warm.
Duke Skeggi Newcombe and the Honorable Lady Kharakan Saran are proclaimed the Lord and Lady Borealis. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. January 20, 2018.
After the Coronet Tournament there were several activities that took place. The Rapier community took the opportunity to not only showcase their skill but to have fun as well. With three fighters the matches were quick and decisive and overall a nice example of Rapier fighting. Many people took the opportunity to watch to bouts and witness daring swordplay. It was also during this time that various guild meetings were held in which the arts and sciences were discussed by guild members and interested persons and the bonds of friendship within the guilds were renewed.
After these activities, and towards the end of the evening, a court was held. After several announcements; awards and recognitions were presented to numerous individuals for their hard work and efforts not only throughout the Principality of Oertha but the Kingdom of the West as well.
Lord Rin McCray was acknowledged for his artistic works, most notably his skill in creating memorable site tokens, and awarded with the Order of the Snowy Owl—the Principality award for arts and sciences. Additionally, Baroness Cynehild of Eskalya, Baroness Elena of Winter’s Gate, Baroness Celestria Textrix, and Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri were awarded the Order of the Princess’ Patrons; the new award recognizing the diverse works of individuals who create largess.
From there; after many years of exemplary grace and nobility, the Prince and Princess of Oertha recognized Master Gavin Woodward worthy of great honor and admitted him to the Oerthan Order of Grace—much to the cheering of all those present.
The Prince and Princess also wished to acknowledge individuals who showed great hospitality during Their reign and awarded Master Joel the Brewer and Baroness Kasey of the Westermark with the Oerthan Order of Hospitality. While those recognized were not present, Baroness Elena of Winter’s Gate accepted the awards on their behalf.
The Princess’ Patrons award was also bestowed upon members of House Comitatus as well as the West Kingdom Guild of Defense for their continued support and amazing abilities in producing large amounts of remarkable largess.
It was here that there was a brief pause in the Principality court so that Their Majesties could conduct business as well. Sir Kenric Maur was called before King Hans and Queen Helga and awarded with the Rose Leaf of Merit. The Queen herself gave examples of great service shown by this individual and the award was humbly received by Sir Kenric Maur.
The next business in court of King Hans and Queen Helga was a presentation of gifts and largess by the 501st Gladiatorial Legion; a household with members throughout the Principality of Oertha. The gift of decorated moose antlers as a personal gift to Their Majesties was extremely well received alongside various items of largess presented by members of the household.
After the gift of largess, the Queen of the West chose to thank and recognize several individuals with the Order of the Queen’s Treasure. This award is to recognize and reward those who consistently create various works and greatly contribute to the Crown’s ability to show largess. The following individuals were called before Her Majesty and welcomed into the Order: Viscountess Alienor Fitzhenry, Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri, Baroness Cempestra Sidda, Lady Gisla Œðikollr, Mistress Margery Garret, and Midfjordr Dalla.
It was in the final bit of this court in the evening that Hans, the King of the West, reiterated the love between those of the Central Kingdom and that of the lands of Oertha. “Oertha is the West” he stated several times while addressing the populace. It was here that King Hans made the announcement that next year’s June Crown would be held in the lands of the Principality of Oertha—much to the cheering of all in attendance.
King Hans and Queen Helga of the West address the populace. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. January 20, 2018.
From there, the court went back to the Prince and Princess who had some more recognitions and awards to bestow. The first part of business was to call forward Baroness Clare Elena of Eskalya and recognize her with the Boreal Fireweed; an award given to those who consistently contribute to teaching knowledge of the arts and sciences and, as such, strengthen and enhance the Principality of Oertha.
From there, several members of the populace were called forward and bestowed the Order of the Orion—the Principality award for archery. The color of the award is representative of the skills shown by the individual; an Or Orion is for fostering archery while an Argent Orion is for target archery and the Azure Orion is used for recognizing combat archery. The first to be called was Donna Étaín O'Rowarke who was given an Argent Orion. The next individual recognized was Master Bran Mac Fynin who also received an Argent Orion. Lord Hraði Kǫttr was then called forward and offered both the Argent and the Or Orion, and finally Baron Stephen de le Bere was called forward and offed the Or Orion. Surly, the archers of the Principality were well recognized for all their skill and dedication in the art of archery.
The Coronet’s Favor was also awarded to several individuals; Sir Kenric Maur and Viscountess Dagmar the Red were recognized thusly for their continued works and efforts in supporting the Prince and Princess of Oertha. Additionally, Baroness Elena of Winter’s Gate, Mistress Sapphira the Navigator, and Baroness Elisheva bint Sitt al-Sirr were also acknowledged for their support of the Coronets and bestowed with this award.
The Princes of the Mists, Tuomas and Snorri, also had some business in court in which they took the opportunity to recognize several individuals who were of great help during Their stay in the wintry lands of the Principality of Oertha. The Order of the Pegasus, an award for youth whose behavior and service are exemplary, was bestowed upon Lady Rainna Fathirsdottir and Tristan Duncansson. The Princes of the Mists also called forward several individuals who were of noted assistance to the Their Persons: Syr Culan mac Cianain, Baroness Cynehild and Baroness Clare Elana of Eskalya, as well as Baroness Elisheva bint Sitt al-Sirr, Baroness Celestria Textrix, Master Gavin Woodward, and Lord Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin were recognized with the Coronets Favor from the hands of Prince Tuomas and Prince Snorri of the Mists.
Additionally, the Honor of the Coeur d'Azur, given to those individuals who wherever situate, have shown great courage, service or courtesy that has enriched the Principality and inspired the Populace of the Mists, was bestowed not only to Prince Duncan and Princess Violet, but Baronesses Clare Elena and Cynehild of Eskalya as well. The Princes thanked these individuals profusely citing many examples as to why they were inducted into this Honor.
With three cheers the court of the Mists ended and the Court of the Prince and Princess of Oertha began once again. Princess’ Ribands, a token given to those who were of great assistance to the Princess during her reign, were bestowed upon the following members of the populace: Prince Duncan, Duchess Eilis ni Roibeard O'Boirne, Baroness Cynehild of Eskalya, Baroness Elena of Winter’s Gate, Viscountess Dagmar the Red, Mistress Sapphira the Navigator, the Honorable Lady Kharakhan Saran, Baroness Elisheva bint Sitt al-Sirr, Lady Talorc Caer Arienrhold, and Drifa in rauða.
From there, additional recognitions of the Princess’ Patrons were named; Mistress Saphirra the Navigator, Viscount Nathan Hartman, Baroness Cempestra Sidda, Yama No Yuki-san, and Lady Ally of Selviergard were recognized for this honor for their hard works and amazing skill at crafting.
With business concluded in court and with three cheers and “Long live the King and Queen of the West” still ringing throughout the hall; it was time to eat. A potluck was provided by the populace alongside baked chickens from the Broken Arrow Tavern, and people made their way to waiting tables to enjoy wondrous foods and delights with friends and family.
It was during feast that the Oerthan Arts and Sciences competition was held. This six-part yearly competition is always anticipated and the theme for this event was quite fun. The contest was a performing arts piece involving Courtly Love and garnered three contestants that took part in it. The first was Lord Colum Mac Eoghain Uí Niall, the second entrant was Baronesses Elisheva bint Sitt al-Sirr, and the third and final contestant was Lord Rin McCray. The stories expounded on Courtly Love and entertained all during the feast with tales of romantic chivalry and daring deeds.
Queen Helga of the West intently listens to the stories of Courtly Love. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. January 20, 2018.
With the end of the day; celebrants made their way to warm cabins with awaiting beds. The next day would bring even more wonders and honors as the Lord and Lady Borealis would ascend the Lupin Thrones to become the next Prince and Princess of Oertha.
The next morning brought people back together again in the hall as the event continued. Today would be the day that the Lord and Lady Borealis would step up as the Prince and Princess of Oertha. The morning was filled with a series of Peerage meetings as well as the Principality Business Meeting—after that a small amount of time was given before the proceedings of the day to visit. The final court of Duncan and Violet would take place which would feature the investiture of the new Prince and Princess.
Soon the call for the final court of the event rang through the hall. After all were seated and in attendance there were several announcements given in court. The first was from the Autocrats who thanked everybody for attending and gave final instructions on cleaning the site at the end of the event. The Principality Seneschal, Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri, here made the announcement that Summer Coronet and Investiture would be held in the lands of the Shire of Hrafnafjordr in mid-July—an announcement met with great cheering in the hall. The last notice was from the Principality Arts and Sciences Minister, Baroness Elena of Winter’s Gate, who thanked everybody who entered the various competitions at the event—noting that there was a prize for the Nifty Nine Contest in which Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri was awarded for her set of pinch-pots entered in the competition.
The Prince and Princess had several more awards in which to bestow to worthy individuals. Mikael auraprestr, also known as Juan Miguel Esteban Alfredo de Valencia, was bestowed the Oerthan Order of Grace. Master Rodrigo de Reinosa was then called forward and recognized with the Order of the Orion Or for his skill in target archery. In addition, Lord Rin McCray was recognized with the Order of the Princess’ Patrons for his work in crafting largess. Last, but not least, Delphine de Grenada was acknowledged with an Award of Arms for her continued service to the Society for Creative Anachronism, the Kingdom of the West, and the Principality of Oertha.
The Princes of the Mists, Tuomas & Snorri, also had some business in court; taking the opportunity to recognize another individual who was of great service to them and who was not present at the Evening Court on Saturday. Rosalinda Lopez was called forward and presented the Order of the Pegasus, an award given to youth whose service and behavior are exemplary.
Prince Duncan also had a presentation for His Highness of the Mists: a gift of a fox fur in which to help keep the Prince warm during the rest of his stay in the lands of Oertha. The gift was well received by the Prince of the Mists.
After the awards and presentations; Their Highnesses of Oertha gave final words to the assembled populace. With the end of Their court in sight it was here that Prince Duncan and Princess Violet once again thanked everybody for a memorable and enjoyable reign. It was also here that they made the official announcement that in the Summer they would be leaving the lands of the Principality of Oertha but, Their Highnesses assured the populace, they would always be Oerthans at heart.
Prince Duncan and Princess Violet of Oertha address the populace. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. January 21, 2018.
Before the transfer of the Coronets to Their Heirs; the court of Prince Duncan and Princes Violet had to be released. Members of the Prince and Princesses court, such as the guards, the champions, and the ladies of the chamber, were released as the time for a new Prince and Princess was upon them. Words of thanks and praise were given to all individuals for their works and efforts in helping Prince Duncan and Princess Violet during Their reign.
It was here, according to tradition, that Duke Skeggi and the Honorable Lady Kharakan, Lord and Lady Borealis, came into court in a procession and were proclaimed the Prince and Princess of Oertha and crowned accordingly. From there, the swearing of Fealty from Peers, Officers, and the populace commenced. Afterwards, Prince Skeggi and Princess Kharakan swore fealty to the King and Queen of the West.
From there, several members of the populace were asked to join in the court of Prince Skeggi and Princess Kharakhan taking up important positions that would help make the running of the Court that much easier. Princess’ Guards, Ladies of the Chamber, Champions, and Captains were announced and gratefully accepted by those called before Their Highnesses.
Prince Skeggi of Oertha took the opportunity to thank the populace of Oertha and made known some of his plans for Their reign. It was here too, toward the end of the court, that Prince Skeggi made known that instead of “Huzzah,” commonly heard at the end of a proclamation or award, that he preferred “sounds of joy” and hoped to hear it often during his reign as Prince of Oertha.
One item of business had been forgotten in the final court of Duncan and Violet, and the two asked Prince Skeggi and Princess Kharakan if they would be able to acknowledge a member of the populace with Their Highnesses consent. It was here that Sir Kenric Maur was awarded the Shield of Chivalry as his skill, prowess, and chivalry were evident especially during their reign. Prince Skeggi and Princess Kharahkan agreed and the shield was passed unto Sir Kenric Maur.
Viscount Sir Duncan ap Llywellyn had one final piece of business before court that day, asking upon Prince Skeggi to reaffirm his earlier proclamation that Potatoes would, indeed, be considered a period food item. Prince Skeggi, in his munificence, reaffirmed the proclamation. His Majesty, King Hans, was asked for a proclamation as well in which he agreed. Congratulations to potatoes being a period food item for, at least, another reign.
An emissary from the Kingdom of An Tir, Prince Skeggi’s homeland, gave kind words of congratulations as well as a gift showing the good will from the people of the Kingdom of An Tir. The gift was well received by Their Highnesses.
With the Principality court concluded; the Court of the King and Queen of the West took place. The King and Queen of the West, Hans and Helga, called forward Master Sextus Valerius Crusillus who was bestowed the Rose Leaf by the hands of the Queen herself. This award is given to individuals who excel at the arts and sciences and is one of the three leaves of achievement in the Kingdom of the West.
From there, Viscount Nathan Hartman was asked to join the Queen’s Guards—a great honor in the lands of the Principality of Oertha. Additionally, Lord Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin and Lady Gisla Œðikollr were summoned in court and were asked to join the ranks of the Queen’s Artisans.
The Order of the Western Lily is bestowed to those individuals that the Crown finds deserving of great honor for both their individual accomplishments and for constant contributions to teaching others their skill and knowledge of the arts, sciences, and other activities that strengthen and enhance the Kingdom. The Crowns of the West saw it fitting to recognize Lord Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin with this great honor.
Lord Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin is inducted into the Order of the Western Lily. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. January 21, 2018.
There was a presentation to Their Majesties in court as well. A signed charter was presented to the King and Queen of the West with forty-five signatures, collected in two days, asking that the Guild of the Silver Spindle be reactivated in the Kingdom of the West. The King and Queen, astonished with so many interested people and in such a short amount of time, agreed that the Guild should be reactivated within the kingdom.
Viscountess Violet Tailyeaour was then called before Their Majesties and offered a Rose Leaf; one of the Achievements within the Kingdom of the West and the one that recognizes expertise in the arts and sciences.
Before the end of court, Master Rodrigo de Reinosa was called forward and admitted into the Royal Missile Company—an award granted to those who excel in the use of archery and other forms of missile weaponry in both times of peace and times of war. The award grants the title of Yeoman of the West and is a great honor to receive. Master Rodrigo de Reinosa would join Viscount Fergus mac Thomais as the second to receive this award in the Principality of Oertha.
The end of court also saw the end of the event. Travelers packed their belongings, braving the bitter cold weather to race out to waiting vehicles, and before leaving gave hugs and handshakes to those who they might not see until the next Principality event.
A wonderful time was had by all, and while it was very cold outside; the hearts of Oerthans warm any event that they attend. Coronets are special times where all the Principality of Oertha can come together to celebrate, to rekindle friendships, and to have fun. This Winter Coronet was no different and one that will be fondly remembered for many years to come.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally Published in the March 2018 edition of The DragonTale
Originally Published in the March 2018 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: January 20-21, 2018
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