The event, hosted by Lord Rin McCray, was well attended by many populace members from both the Barony of Selviergard and the Barony of Eskalya and featured not only the tournaments for heavy and rapier, but other fun activities as well. The weather was fair enough for an early August event, much better than some years in the past.
The site officially opened on Friday afternoon with several people making their way to the cozy campground to prepare for the activities on Saturday. After setting up their camps many of the populace took the time to sit around the bardic fire to visit with each other and renew the bonds of family and friendship or to make new acquaintances.
Saturday morning saw the rest of those who would celebrate the event.
In opening court; Baron Halfdan welcomed all to the event stating that he looked forward to seeing not only the tournaments but the competitions as well. From there, the Autocrat gave his announcements. Here, Lord Rin McCray publicized the various contests that would be held throughout the day that included bardic and heraldic competitions. It was after the announcements that the Warlord and Rapier Champions were released with gifts from the Baron and the Axe Oath given to those who would take part in the Bear Pit Tournament to determine new baronial champions.
After opening court, the fighters prepared for the tournament—a Bear Pit Tournament that tests not only the skills of the fighters but their endurance as well. Ten minutes in the Bear Pit saw five fighters; Sir Bartram Sinclair, Sir Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin, Viscount Fergus mac Thomais, Lord Connar Ulfsson, and M'Lord Gudleif. As with all Bear Pit Tournaments the fighting was fierce and involved a lot of pushing to try to get opponents to step out of the circle. At the end of ten minutes, however, a clear winner was determined by the List Mistress.
Viscount Fergus mac Thomais and Lord Connar Ulfsson battle in the Bear Pit at the Barony of Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson. August 4, 2018.