The event, hosted by Lord Rin McCray, was well attended by many populace members from both the Barony of Selviergard and the Barony of Eskalya and featured not only the tournaments for heavy and rapier, but other fun activities as well. The weather was fair enough for an early August event, much better than some years in the past.
The site officially opened on Friday afternoon with several people making their way to the cozy campground to prepare for the activities on Saturday. After setting up their camps many of the populace took the time to sit around the bardic fire to visit with each other and renew the bonds of family and friendship or to make new acquaintances.
Saturday morning saw the rest of those who would celebrate the event.
In opening court; Baron Halfdan welcomed all to the event stating that he looked forward to seeing not only the tournaments but the competitions as well. From there, the Autocrat gave his announcements. Here, Lord Rin McCray publicized the various contests that would be held throughout the day that included bardic and heraldic competitions. It was after the announcements that the Warlord and Rapier Champions were released with gifts from the Baron and the Axe Oath given to those who would take part in the Bear Pit Tournament to determine new baronial champions.
After opening court, the fighters prepared for the tournament—a Bear Pit Tournament that tests not only the skills of the fighters but their endurance as well. Ten minutes in the Bear Pit saw five fighters; Sir Bartram Sinclair, Sir Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin, Viscount Fergus mac Thomais, Lord Connar Ulfsson, and M'Lord Gudleif. As with all Bear Pit Tournaments the fighting was fierce and involved a lot of pushing to try to get opponents to step out of the circle. At the end of ten minutes, however, a clear winner was determined by the List Mistress.
Viscount Fergus mac Thomais and Lord Connar Ulfsson battle in the Bear Pit at the Barony of Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson. August 4, 2018.
The Rapier fighters took part in a Bear Pit Tournament themselves, however, with only three fighters the time was reduced from ten minutes to five. The field was taken by Donna Étaín O’Rowarke, Master Rodrigo di Reinosa, and Lady Angela of Eskalya. The fighters fought hard and with skill, but there would be only one winner in the tournament who would become the Rapier Champion of the Barony of Selviergard.
Lady Angela of Eskalya and Donna Étaín O’Rowarke face off in the Bear Pit Tournament at the Barony of Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson. August 4, 2018.
In between the tournaments there was a Chaucerian competition held. It was here that fighters could “hire” heralds or perform their own pieces in true Chaucerian fashion—much like that seen in the modern story of “A Knight’s Tale.” Master Rodrigo de Reinosa entered the competition twice; once to praise his inspiration, Mistress Étaín O’Rowarke with a memorable entrance and words of love, and the other time to proclaim the skill and prowess of Lord Connar Ulfsson that was no less memorable. In true Rodrigo fashion; both entries were fun to watch and included much laughter and chuckling from the audience. Additionally, Despotes Halfdan Ozurrson took the field to extol upon the virtues and chivalric behavior of Sir Bartram Sinclair whose knightly qualities and actions he proclaimed to the audience.
After the tournaments and Chaucerian competition, a great tradition in the Principality of Oertha took place. At the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet and Investiture two fighters of the realm were elevated to knighthood and bestowed with the white belt and shiny spurs. According to tradition: new knights would be led to the Eagle River to be symbolically washed in those icy, cold waters. Sir Bartram Sinclair and Sir Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin were the newest knights to take part in this activity thus continuing this worthy and noble tradition.
Followed by many members of the populace to witness this activity; the procession ended at a small cove on the banks of the river where both knights prepared to enter the glacial-fed and fast-moving water. Taking turns; the knights made their way into the river and immersed themselves wholly, thus completing the symbology associated with the Northern Knights tradition and continuing a long-standing right of passage for Oerthan members of the Order of Chivalry. From there, the knights led the procession of well-wishers back to the encampment.
A feast was held and there was plenty to eat for everybody with food not only provided by the Autocrat but also the populace as well. Feast was held under the Baronial pavilion with plenty of room to spare. The act of dining together added to the family aspect of the feast with newcomers sitting next to royals, and households sharing tables. During feast there was storytelling performed as entertainment and as part of a competition hosted by the Selviergard Bardic College. Stories were told by several members of the populace to those gathered at feast, and there were many good tales told that evening. With the amount of laughter and gentle conversation it was apparent that everybody enjoyed their time together at feast and the food was spectacular.
In closing court Baron Halfdan once again thanked those who were able to attend the event, noting especially how much fun he was having. From there the Autocrat of the day’s event was called forward to make his final announcements and provide prizes for those who won. Axes were, of course, the main theme of the prizes and very well received by those who won the various competitions. The winner of the Chaucerian Competition was Master Rodrigo de Reinosa while the winner of the Best Story at Feast was Lord Connar Ulfsson and each received an axe of their very own.
Lord Rin McCray was bestowed a bronze ring for his works as Autocrat of the event, as per His Excellency’s tradition.
It was here in the second half of court that His Excellency acknowledged the winners of the tournaments. The winner of the heavy tournament was Sir Bartram Sinclair who assumed the title and duties of the Warlord of Selviergard. Additionally, Donna Étaín O’Rowarke won the Rapier Tournament and was named the Rapier Champion of the Barony. There were many cheers given for those who not only won the tournament but all those who took part in it as well.
After court many of those who came out to celebrate the event took part in bardic. The bardic was equal parts songs, story, and visiting and it lasted well into the night. Bardic featured favorite songs, tales from the “Dashing Debonair Squire” Cycle, much celebrating, and plenty of laughter throughout the night. Eventually the fire dimmed and it was time for those who stayed up late to head to warm beds.
Sunday saw the end of the event as those remaining packed up their pavilions and belongings to head back to their own homes. The event was spectacular and full of amazing feats of endurance, shows of valor and love, and quite memorable. It is events such as these that the Society shines brightly in these lands and serve as a venue where the populace can come together for an event that truly helps define The Dream.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally Published in the September 2018 edition of The DragonTale
Originally Published in the September 2018 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: August 4-5, 2018
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