The Royalty of the Kingdom of the West. Photograph by Aine Inghean Lochlann.
Visitors from Central Kingdom and even one from another Kingdom were in attendance; including all of the sitting royalty of the Kingdom of the West. This event is believed to have been the first time that all of the sitting royalty of the West have been together in Oertha.
Opening court took place; and before the fighters made their introductions, several awards were bestowed upon the populace. Additionally, a presentation was made by the 501st Gladiatorial Legion in which a new Tournament Eric was given unto the Principality. Sir Soren j Alborgh also decided to take on Viscount Gregor Hawke as a squire in the opening court.
After the Court of Nathan and Lilla, the King and Queen of the West had a court where the children of Oertha were invited up. Additionally, those gentles that were new to the Society were brought up as well to hear words from Their Majesties. Their Majesties also honored several people at this time.
From there, the Coronet Lists were opened and the fighters came in with pageantry to present themselves and those that inspired them that day before the presence of the Prince and Princess of Oertha.
The Coronet Tournament featured thirteen fighters: Sir Kenric Maur, Sir Soren j Alborgh, Sir Viresse de Lighthaven, Viscount Gregor Hawke, Viscount Fergus MacThomais, Lamarak d'Pellinore, Hallborn Erlaendar son , Sextus Valerius Crusillus, Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor, Aine Inghean Lochlann, Q of Eskalya, Barak the Hunter, and Spike of Eskalya. These fighters, with great honor and their inspirations nearby, took to the field to claim the Coronets of Oertha.
The Tournament was ran as a double elimination utilizing "Oerthan Rounds;" where the outcome of the best two out of three fights wins that round. While this type of Tournament makes for a long fight, the final fighter has been adequately tested before taking up the Coronets of Oertha.
Sir Kenric Maur and Sextus Valerius Crusillus face off in the final fight for the Coronets of Oertha. Photograph by Brann mac Finnchad.
In the end the finals came down to Sir Kenric Maur and Sextus Valerius Crusillus. Before the end of the final round both Sir Kenric and Crusillus had one win each, however, after the final blow, it was Sir Kenric who was proclaimed the Lord Borealis with his inspiration, Viscountess Dagmar, as Lady Borealis.
After the Tournament came the Roses Tournament, in which fighters who were bested in friendly fights delivered a rose to the victor's choice. Both heavy and rapier fighters took the field to show off their skills and to send roses to those that inspired their grace on the battle field.
After the tournament and a dinner break, the room was once again set up for court, in which the Prince and Princess, the King and Queen of the West, and even the Prince and Princess of Cynagua recognized fellow Oerthans for their hard work and dedication within the Kingdom of the West.
The next day of Oertha's Winter Coronet saw not only the investiture of Kenric and Dagmar as the 59th Prince and Princess of Oertha, but an elevation of a Peer, and several awards bestowed upon the populace. From there, the court moved on to the elevation of the new Prince and Princess of Oertha.
Thorfin Rex and Violante Regina toast the Principality during the final court of the event. Photograph contributed by Halfdan "Two Bears" Ozurrson.
With such a successful event goes many thanks to both the autocrat, Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri, and those that volunteered their time to make this event happen. It is without those that give service unto the Principality of Mighty Oertha that memorable events, such as this Winter Coronet, could never happen.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the February 2014 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: January 18-19, 2014
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