Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Collegium Expands Minds! No Fatalities

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha--The Baronies of Selviergard and Eskalya got together towards the end of March and put together a wonderful two day event full of classes. Members from all over the Principality attended this event to learn new skills, new ideas, and revel in the company of friends and family at the Bi-Baronial Collegium.

The listings of classes was immense ranging from the Knightly Virtues to the learning the Oslo Stitch and almost everything in between. Such a list could not be possible without the two baronies coming together to share an event such as this. There was Calligraphy and Illumination being taught alongside instructions on paining silk banners. Leather masks and embroidery were also taught. Still others sat in and participated with discussions on Virtues, Worthies, and new ideas. Even tastes were offered from the Traveling Spice Show of spices common (or uncommon in some cases) in our time period. There was something for everyone.

And yes, there was dancing.

Sir Soren looking happy during the dancing.  Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. March 29, 2014.

The Ides of March

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Friends, Romans, countrymen…lend me your ears! Selviergard's celebration of the Ides of March was one of great excitement and fun; an event honoring the life and death of Julius Caesar with togas, games, and lots of stabbing. The event was well attended by people around the Principality of Oertha; many dressed in Roman clothing to escape the taxes imposed by the autocrats of the event; but even those who came from non-Roman provinces had the opportunity to win some of it back through games and other diversions provided throughout the day.

Populace members, dressed in the height of Roman fashion.  Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. March 15, 2014.