The listings of classes was immense ranging from the Knightly Virtues to the learning the Oslo Stitch and almost everything in between. Such a list could not be possible without the two baronies coming together to share an event such as this. There was Calligraphy and Illumination being taught alongside instructions on paining silk banners. Leather masks and embroidery were also taught. Still others sat in and participated with discussions on Virtues, Worthies, and new ideas. Even tastes were offered from the Traveling Spice Show of spices common (or uncommon in some cases) in our time period. There was something for everyone.
And yes, there was dancing.
Sir Soren looking happy during the dancing. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. March 29, 2014.
As with most events there was a court. Both Baroness Elspeth and Baroness Étaín welcomed all those in attendance, where Baroness Elspeth honored all the instructors with a Leaf of Learning; an Eskalyan honor given to those who teach.
Children were called before Baroness Étaín and given toys, and the autocrats, Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri and Domina Nemonna Vicana were called forward and presented with gifts of thanks from both Baronesses after their initial welcoming speech.
In addition, Syr Verica de Lighthaven was bestowed the Order of the Forget-Me-Not, a Selviergardian award given to those not of the barony but who still contribute above and beyond the normal to its inhabitants. Newcomers were called before Baroness Elspeth as she welcomed them to the Collegium, and as a final order of business, the Princess of Oertha called forward Mistress Margarita to announce the upcoming Prince's Prize Tourney before the populace.
The Autocrats with their announcements in Court. Photograph submitted by Halfdan Ôzurrson. March 29, 2014.
For a Collegium of this size and magnificence a special thank you must be given to those who wanted to learn, those who taught, and to the two autocrats that brought them together. A exceptional thank you must be given to Duchess Étaín du Pommier who made the trip up from Central Kingdom to teach classes on Saturday.
If you learned something new, became excited about a concept, or perhaps just had a fun time attending an class; take a moment to tell the instructor. Encourage them to continue teaching, encourage them to continue to pursue their interest… it makes a world of difference.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the April 2014 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: March 29, 2014
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