In opening court, Baroness Étaín welcomed all those in attendance and was quite enthusiastic to getting to the first part of the event: the much anticipated Dagger Tournaments. The betting tables opened promptly after court in preparation for the tournament. The Rapier community was represented by Her Excellency Étaín and Brann mac Finnchad, and both provided much entertainment to those watching the games stabbing at each other with counted kills numbering quite high. In the end, it was Brann mac Finnchad who won the majority of the fights against the Baroness; and thus won the Dagger Tournament for the Rapier.
After the Rapier Dagger Tournament, the betting tables were once again opened in preparation for the Heavy Dagger Tournament. A vast number of fighters took part of the gladiatorial tournament; a welcomed sight to see in the arena. While all showed great skill and prowess with the daggers; it was Sir Rurik Varyag who won the tournament and a hefty coin bag, his earnings from the tournament.
The Silent Auction, a Selviergard fundraiser run by Mistress Trava, showcased a variety of items acquired lawfully by the Armies of Rome, and amassed an amazing $422; which will be used for funds going towards the Baronial pavilion. Congratulations to those who won the various auctions and a hearty gratia to those who donated the amazing items.
Roman Jeopardy, run by Mistress Margarita di Calvi was an amazing game to witness and partake in. The amount of knowledge from the populace on all things Roman was definitely a high point in the event. This game was played the last time Selviergard celebrated the Ides of March many years ago, but the questions were a bit tougher than last time. As with the two tournaments, denari were awarded to the most points accrued in the game.
Mistress Margarita starts the game of Roman Jeopardy. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. March 15, 2014.
Another highlight of the event was the Tali game; a favored Roman dice game of both soldiers and aristocrats alike. The game was played with the winnings throughout the day and was an remarkable sight to see so many people take up the knucklebones in hopes of winning coveted denari. No official winner of the activity would be announced and the game was strictly for amusement and a chance to earn extra coins at the event. However, it was definitely fun to watch the good humor of those playing as fortunes were made and lost.
The Princess watches the tali game intently. Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson. March 15, 2014.
At the final court, the Baron and Baroness welcomed those new to the Society and Selviergard alike. Their Highnesses, also in attendance, took opportunity to award Wulfgar of Eskalya with the Coronet's Favor. Prizes were also given out by the Autocrats for the various activities throughout the day such as the Tournament winners and the gentle with the most denari at the end of the event, which so happened to be Sir Rurik Varyag, amassing over 300 denari from winnings and other legal means.
The day ended with a Feast, as is typical Selviergardian custom; and plenty of food abounded around the triclinium seating that took up the entire hall. Toasts to Queens and Ladies abounded while heroic tales of the day's event were passed around, and a great time was had by all.
The haruspex known as Spurinna said to Julius Caesar "beware the Ides of March," but the Barony of Selviergard showed that you had nothing at all to worry about the Ides…unless you name was Julius Caesar.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the April 2014 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: March 15, 2014
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