The Three Barons Renaissance Faire has been staple in Oertha for over twenty years. The various groups, especially the Barony of Eskalya and in recent years a good showing from the Barony of Selviergard, have used this venue to showcase the Society at large and attract possible newcomers to the Principality and the Society as a whole.
The demonstration, this year headed by Lady Celestria Textrix, featured a plethora of arts and sciences that members of the local groups graciously lent for display. These exhibits garnered keen interest from many people, especially Baron Rodrigo de Reinosa's ballista which was a huge draw for young and old alike. But the big draw for many was the fighting.
Crowds gather to watch the fighting demonstration at the Three Baron's Renaissance Fair. June 6, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
Scheduled demonstrations of both heavy and rapier fights easily drew in the crowds from all over the Renaissance Fair. The fighters put on a great show of skill and prowess much to the delight of the crowd.
Rapier fighters entertain the crowd at the Three Baron's Renaissance Fair. June 13, 2015. Photograph Marjorie de ffeyrefeld.
A demonstration, however, is nothing without the hard work of volunteers greeting people and answering questions about what we in the Society do. Many people took the time to answer those questions and share about what the SCA is all about to all interested.
Baroness Aislynn Denard of Dragon's Lair greets people at the Three Baron's Renaissance Fair. June 6, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
As Baron Halfdan mentioned in his missive to the populace shortly after the final "Health to the Company" had been sung, "Thank you for helping out in this endeavor and sharing 'The Dream' with other people."
So what is planned for next year? A more colorful encampment, more displays, and more people to help out. Together we will work to spread the word that there is a place for people who want to explore what it means to live in the Current Middle Ages.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the July 2015 edition of The DragonTale
Activity Date: June 6-7 and 13-14, 2015
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