"The hall is festooned with bears…excellent!"
--Halfdan, Baron of Selviergard
The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Samhain is a wonderful time of the year when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest; allowing the spirits to enter our world and enjoy time with friends and family who are still living. Children often take this time to rampage for candy while adults usually have parties where many dress in spooky costumes and eat finely wrought foods shaped as skulls or other morbid designs.
The Barony of Selviergard hosted an event to welcome the season and feast, fight, and have fun in true Selviergardian style. Members from around the Principality of Oertha came together to enjoy a fantastic event in a warm hall.
Two Rapier Tournaments were held; a "First Blood" and a Grand Melee. The Rapier fighters included Donna Etain O'Rowarke, Magistra Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor, and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad. It was Cynehild that won the First Blood Tournament while Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad that won the Grand Melee; effectively sending his opponents to the afterlife.
The Rapier fighters participate in a Grand Melee. October 31, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.