"The hall is festooned with bears…excellent!"
--Halfdan, Baron of Selviergard
The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Samhain is a wonderful time of the year when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest; allowing the spirits to enter our world and enjoy time with friends and family who are still living. Children often take this time to rampage for candy while adults usually have parties where many dress in spooky costumes and eat finely wrought foods shaped as skulls or other morbid designs.
The Barony of Selviergard hosted an event to welcome the season and feast, fight, and have fun in true Selviergardian style. Members from around the Principality of Oertha came together to enjoy a fantastic event in a warm hall.
Two Rapier Tournaments were held; a "First Blood" and a Grand Melee. The Rapier fighters included Donna Etain O'Rowarke, Magistra Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor, and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad. It was Cynehild that won the First Blood Tournament while Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad that won the Grand Melee; effectively sending his opponents to the afterlife.
The Heavy Tournament was well attended, garnering five fighters from around the Principality, including a wayward Selviergardian from the lands of Æthelmearc. The tournament included a "First Blood" and a Grand Melee, much like their Rapier counterparts. There were several winners of the First Blood, but the Grand Melee saw Gwydion ap Arden as the winner.
The Heavy fighters finish up the Grand Melee. October 31, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
Games of skill, chance, and other diversions were hosted and mostly attended by the children. Additionally, the children and the youth at heart partook in a Trick or Treat walk around the hall; garnering many sweets from the assembled populace… and it is whispered that Baron Halfdan indeed got a fair portion of the treats without trick-or-treating, but then again rumors are just rumors.
Feast is a favorite part of events for many people; a chance to eat fine foods and tell stories around the table. Feast in Selviergard could be considered a main staple of our events and it is well known that nobody that attends an event in the barony goes home hungry. The tables were set up, and the food was brought out. After a brief invocation by the Baron, the feast commenced with toasts and stories throughout the hall.
In the court of Halfdan, Baron of Selviergard, His Excellency welcomed the Prince and Princess of Oertha who were in attendance along with other travelers from near and far. From there, the Autocrat was brought forward with her final announcements and prizes to the various contest and tournament winners. Halfdan bestowed upon Viscountess Margarita di Calvi a bronze ring from his own hand in recognition of her services as Autocrat as is his tradition.
Additionally in court, Viscount Fergus mac Thomais and Delfina de Grenada, who were the Autocrats for the Fall Fling last month, were given bronze rings for their work at the last baronial event. The Baron noted that they did not receive a bronze ring at that event but were richly deserving of the token for their hard work and dedication for such an amazing event.
Additionally, several newcomers were asked to come into court where Baron Halfdan thanked them for coming and gave them each a bear claw as a token of his favor. Released with enticements to the next event, there were three cheers for the newcomers who attended.
Baron Halfdan welcomes newcomers to the Society in Court. October 31, 2015. Photograph by Brann mac Finnchad.
With the close of court the hall was quickly cleaned with many hands working together and amid simple snow flurries and a clear sky lit only by far away stars, the populace retired from the site to their own diversions.
Events, such as these, are a wonderful way to enjoy each the others company in a warm hall when it is cold outside. So many people attended Selviergard's Samhain event with greetings and hugs to friends not seen in some time. While the hall was warm, it was the friendship that truly warmed not only the hall, but the hearts of those in attendance.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the November 2015 DragonTale
Event Date: October 31, 2015
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