Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Pirates and Champions

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The day turned out to be quite warm and bright as the Barony of Eskalya gathered together to choose new baronial champions.  Incidentally enough, it was also a day for Pirates.  The Barony of Eskalya celebrated both amid a wonderful day with friends and family from throughout the Principality of Oertha.

The opening of the event took place at court, in which Baroness Elspeth invited her Cousin, Baron Halfdan of Selviergard, to sit with her in court.  The opening announcements were made by the Autocrats of the event; Lady Ciara der Alcan and Lord Kolskeggr Ungi and all of those in attendance were welcomed to the fun-filled event.  The first order of business to start the festivities was to be the Rapier Tournament.

Lady Angela of Eskalya and Donna Etain O’Rowarke battle it out in the Rapier Tournament to determine the next Eskalyan Rapier Champion.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.  September 10, 2016.

There were only two Rapier fighters vying for the title of Baroness’ Champion that day.  Donna Étaín O’Rowarke and Lady Angela of Eskalya.  The two ladies determined that multiple rounds using different weapons would suffice to determine the next baronial champion.  Through skill and daring deeds, the two esteemed fighters took to the field for the title and honor to be bestowed by Baroness Elspeth.  The fights were, as with many Rapier tournaments, quick and fun to watch.

After the Rapier tournament it was time for the Heavy fighters to take to the field.  As there were no Heavy fighters to participate that day, Rock Paper Scissors, also known as Roshambo, was utilized to determine the next Heavy Champion of the lands of Eskalya.  Several people signed up for this tournament, including Sir Søren j Alborgh, Viscount Fergus mac Thomais, Mistress Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor, Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin, and Lady Angela of Eskalya.  The bouts were fun to watch and added some more excitement to the day.

Throwing “grenades” was a fun activity for all to partake in.  Photograph by Laurie Coatney.  September 10, 2016.

Another fun activity that was well participated in was the Grenade Toss.  Using water balloons and a target, the goal was to get your “grenade” in the basket or at least cause splash damage.  The laughter was loud as each person worked hard on getting points towards this contest which would determine the next Eskalyan Thrown Weapons Champion.

During the middle of the event the Autocrats announced that the Pirate Quiz would begin.  Three teams tested their Pirate knowledge and trivia against one the other.  Through questions that were both hard and easy the teams struggled to find the correct answers.  In the end, however, only one team would win—Team Comitatus took the victory showing all their superior piratical knowledge.

Children’s activities also took place throughout the day.  Many different types of pirate-themed arts projects allowed children of all ages to partake in the revelry of the event.

There was archery held at the event, but in a different form then was expected.  Nerf arrows and bows were used.  The autocrat of the event, Lady Ciara der Alcan mentioned in a missive to the populace after the event that “while I prefer real Archery, the Nerf version for adults and children was hilarious to watch”.  It took several practice rounds for competitors to fully appreciate the dynamics of Nerf Archery, but afterwards many targets were hit with skill and mostly precision.

The Autocrats are thanked for a wonderful event in closing court.  Photograph by Laurie Coatney.  September 10, 2016.

With closing court Baroness Elspeth released her past champions and welcomed new ones that were determined throughout the day’s various tournaments and activities.  Her Excellency’s new Heavy Champion was determined to be Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor by her victory on the Roshambo field.  The new Rapier Champion was Angela of Eskalya for her triumph on the rapier field. Her Excellency’s new Archery Champion was Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin, and Baroness Elspeth’s new Thrown Weapons champion was Viscount Fergus mac Thomais.

Other activities throughout the day also led to points being accrued for the title of Pirate King.  Only missing one of the pirate themed activities, Lady Angela of Eskalya was named the Pirate King of the event.  In her missive to the populace after the event, Lady Ciara der Alcan sincerely stated “…thank you to everyone who showed up.”  Indeed, it was wonderful to see so many smiling faces at this event.

The Selviergard Associated Press
Unpublished Article
Event Date:  September 10, 2016

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