Many populace members arrived on Friday to set up pavilions and encampments in preparation for a full weekend of activities that included tournaments, courts, bardic, and much more. Additional time on Friday was spent visiting with friends and family and laughter filled the campsite liberally.
The event opened early on Saturday with a fundraiser breakfast being served and Turkish-style coffee offered. Populace members waited for the event to officially open with court by relaxing and preparing themselves for the day’s activities. Later in the morning it was time to start the event with the opening court of the day that would lead to the tournament to determine the next Prince and Princess of Oertha.
In opening court announcements were given regarding the event and upcoming activities. The Autocrat of the event, Lady Sylvia of Thrace, welcomed all and gave information on what to expect during the weekend. Additionally, Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri, the Principality Seneschal, had some words as well.
From there His Highness, Prince Skeggi of Oertha, welcomed all to the event in which he made known his appreciation for all those in attendance for what was to be a joyous weekend. His Majesty, King Uther, had a kingdom court opened for business, first starting with calling Their Highnesses forward to swear fealty.
Afterwards Peers of the Realm were called forward to swear fealty as well and then His Majesty proceeded to inviting the populace to pay homage to the Crown of the West if they wished to do so.
His Majesty then called forward Lady Talorc Caer Arienrhold and presented her with a Court Barony. In addition to her title she was presented with a baronial circlet for her new position within the court of the West. There was much cheering from those in attendance.
From here, King Uther took the time to address the assembled populace about recognizing compassion and kindness in the Society. It was here that he encouraged everybody to write out a thank you note during the event and to present it to another person so that the recipients of these kind words would be encouraged to continue their works and deeds that exemplify the Society that we live in.
The court then transferred back to Prince Skeggi and Princess Kharakhan as they concluded court for the morning in which several awards and recognitions were given to members of the populace. The Order of the Orion was presented to Lord William the Archer for his skill in archery within the Principality of Oertha. While Lord William was not present, Baroness Elena of Winter’s Gate accepted the award and scroll on his behalf. Additionally, the Order of the Argent Flame was presented to Adelaide the Weaver and Arnthorr Hesthofdi for their exemplary hospitality.
More awards and recognitions followed with Sir Culann mac Cianain being presented with the Order of the Oerthan Sword and Lord Bartram Sinclair being presented with the Ash Leaf by Their Highnesses. The Oerthan Sword is a Principality award presented to those whose martial prowess and chivalrous behavior on and off the field is exemplary and the Ash Leaf is presented to those who excel in the fighting aspect of the Society on a kingdom-level.
With awards and recognition bestowed upon members of the populace it was time to start the ceremony to begin the Coronet Tournament. Seven fighters were called forward to take part in the Invocation. After presenting themselves and their Consorts to the populace and the Prince and Princess of Oertha; the fighters concluded the ceremony by taking the oath and choosing their opponents for the first round of the tournament.
Entrants to the Coronet Lists swear of the Axe of State at the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet and Investiture. July 21, 2018. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
With the end of court it was time to prepare for the Coronet Tournament.
The Tournament for the Coronets of Oertha was in the format of best two out of three fights and double elimination. The tournament itself was quick compared to some tournaments in the past but it was no less exciting to watch. All combatants fought with skill and honor but, in the end, it would come down to the final two who would both vie for the Coronets of Oertha.
The finals were quickly upon all. A brief break before the finals allowed a wonderful opportunity for pageantry. The final combatants, Sir Culann mac Cianain and Viscount Fergus mac Thomais, alongside with their Inspirations were escorted by friends and family onto the Field of Honor along with heralds and banner bearers. From this amazing scene the tournament started. The first fight went to Culann, and the second fight went to him as well—thus the Tournament went to Sir Culann.
It was on the field of honor that Prince Skeggi elevated Sir Culann mac Cianain as the Lord Borealis while the assembled populace watched. From there, the Princess of Oertha presented the Lord Borealis with a wreath of which he crowned Lady Sefa Hrafnsdóttir as Lady Borealis with. There was much cheering and the congratulations lasted for quite some time after the ceremony.
The Lord and Lady Borealis are proclaimed at the Oerthan Summer Coronet and Investiture. July 21, 2018. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
The ever-favorite Roses Tournament was held directly after the ceremony. The eric was once again opened for those who wished to continue fighting and an area was set aside for those who wished to cross rapier blades. While the sun was hot there were many who took part in this activity that exemplified the romantic chivalry of the Society. Roses were won by both the heavy and rapier community for various persons who they found inspirational. The roses, bestowed by the person who lost the fight at the direction of the winner, were sent to many in the encampment alongside the kindest of words.
The Rapier Community takes part in the Roses Tournament at the Oerthan Summer Coronet and Investiture. July 21, 2018. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
After rest, relaxation, and visiting it was time to finish up the day with a court. Evening Court opened with a procession of the King of the West, the Prince and Princess of Oertha, and the Lord and Lady Borealis. From there, the court began in which many were honored and recognized for their contributions to the Principality of Oertha and the Kingdom of the West.
The Principality Arts and Sciences Minister called forward Magistra Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor and proclaimed her the winner of the ongoing Arts and Sciences competition. As is law in these lands she was bestowed with the Lumen Borealis by the Prince and Princess of Oertha much to the cheering of all.
More awards were given out in the court of Their Highnesses including several notable achievements and honors. Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri was bestowed with the Order of the Snowy Owl, an award for Arts and Sciences within the Principality of Oertha. From there, members of the Oerthan Largess Anonymous, a mostly unknown group within the Principality, was called forward. With their faces veiled to protect their identity they were acknowledged as members of the Princess’ Patrons. Continuing with the Arts and Sciences theme; Viscountess Tama Katerina Evstokh'eva was bestowed with the Boreal Fireweed given to those who teach the Arts and Sciences and Lady Sylvia of Thrace was recognized with the Argent Stylus for her artwork on numerous scrolls.
Lord Johannes von Roth was awarded the Order of the Glove; an award recognizing individuals who show chivalry and prowess on the Rapier field and who possess the qualities of a courtier. Additionally, the Raven’s Heart, and award for youth in the Principality of Oertha, was presented to Xander of Eskalya for his continued good deeds and hard works. His mother, Lady Celestria Textrix accepted the award on his behalf.
A brief pause in the court of Skeggi and Kharakhan, Prince and Princess of Oertha, allowed for King Uther of the Kingdom of the West to acknowledge several individuals in his own court.
The King of the West called forward Lord Bartram Sinclair and, with the approval of the gathered knights, Lord Bartram was placed on vigil for his upcoming knighthood the next day. There was plenty of cheering from all who witnessed this wonderous announcement.
King Uther of the West took the time to present Viscount Fergus mac Thomais and Master Rodrigo de Reinosa with tokens of The Royal Missile Company; recognitions that both had received in the recent past. The tokens were well received by these two worthy individuals.
It was also in this court that the results of the polling for the new Baron and Baroness of Eskalya were announced. King Uther called forward Master Gavin Woodward and Lady Celestria Textrix and announced that they would take up the mantle as Baron and Baroness of Eskalya in December of this year.
House Tundra Weasel, the group that hosted the tavern that welcomed all at the event with a place to enjoy refreshments and good company, was called forward by His Majesty and proclaimed worthy of great honor. The household was proclaimed as the newest recipient of the West Kingdom Paragon’s of Merriment.
Additionally, Thorgrimm the Dane was bestowed with an Award of Arms for his continued good works in the Society. Additionally, Lord Fearghus mac Gylifynnan was recognized for his continuous hard works in the Society and elevated to the position of a Court Baron of the Kingdom of the West. Last, but not least, Viscount Nathan Hartman and Viscountess Lilla æt Sceaphylle were called forward and bestowed with the honors of Court Baron and Baroness in the Kingdom of the West.
From there, Lord Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin was called forward by the King of the West alongside the Knights and proclaimed worthy of great honor and admitted to vigil for his own knighthood to be held the next day. There was much cheering from the populace as they witnessed another member of the Principality of Oertha being recognized for his great deeds and skill upon the battlefield.
After the court of His Majesty; the Prince and Princess of Oertha once again opened their court. It was here that members of the Princess’ retinue were acknowledged and thanked for their service with the Coronet’s Favor.
After court everybody started to prepare for a feast. Many dishes, including a roasted pig, a delectable salad, and even dessert pies were brought out by the Autocrat and her team to be enjoyed by all. Feast was held amongst small groups throughout the encampment with all enjoying each the others company.
After feast the Bardic circle opened. It was here that favorite songs were sung alongside newer ones. Additionally, House Tundra Weasel ensured that their tavern was open for those who wanted to visit and have refreshments of drinks and pickled vegetables. Later in the evening, the Vigils for Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin and Bartram Sinclair were opened allowing well-wishers to congratulate the upcoming newest Knights in the Kingdom of the West.
The general atmosphere was one of celebration and the cheer and laughter that went well into the night and into a good portion of the next day.
The next morning saw Peerage meetings, a sponsored breakfast, and people getting ready for the end of the event.
The closing court of the event was met with a procession of the Prince and Princess of Oertha as well as Uther, King of the West. Court opened with various awards and recognitions from Princess Kharakhan to the rest of her retinue. In addition, Lord Sevastian was bestowed with the Shield of Chivalry for his heroic and chivalrous activity most notably during the Princess’ reign.
Uther, King of the West opened his court to induct both Lord Sevastian Agafangilovich Golytsin and Lord Bartram Sinclair into the Order of Chivalry. The ceremony, not often seen in these lands, was witnessed by friends and family of the two newest knights of the Kingdom of the West.
The Knighting Ceremony of Bartram Sinclair and Sevastian. July 22, 2018. Photograph by Yama No Yuki.
After the Knighting ceremony the court once again switched to the final court of Skeggi and Kharakhan, Prince and Princess of Oertha, as they released their court and champions in preparation of a new Prince and Princess of Oertha. With final words to the populace the Prince and Princess of Oertha welcomed in Their Successors, Culann and Sefa.
The new Prince and Princess of Oertha. July 22, 2018. Photograph by Yama No Yuki.
Fealty was given unto the Principality and her peoples, in addition to the officers, peers of the realm, and the populace members, but before the new Prince and Princess of Oertha could give fealty to the Crowns of the Kingdom of the West his Majesty had a surprise for Princess Sefa—elevation to the Order of the Pelican. After this, the Prince and Princess of Oertha were able to give fealty to the King.
Princess Sefa is inducted into the Order of the Pelican. July 22, 2018. Photograph by Yama No Yuki.
New champions and members of the court were called forward by Their Highnesses and installed into their positions.
As is law and custom; those who served the Principality as Prince and Princess are bestowed with the title of Viscount and Viscountess. Duke Skeggi Nyewcombe and the Honorable Lady Kharakhan Saran were so honored and presented each the other with Viscounty circlets in court that they had made.
At the end of court there was final words given by not only the Autocrat of the event, who thanked everybody for attending, but also words from the new Prince and Princess as well as the King of the West.
And thus, with three cheers, the court and the event concluded.
With pavilions packed and farewells given the celebrants to the Oerthan Summer Coronet and Investiture headed home—some near and some very far. These types of events often feel too short to spend together, but nonetheless are always fun as we spend a weekend together celebrating these, the Current Middle Ages.
It was at this event we saw many amazing things; peerages bestowed to worthy individuals, strength and valor displayed upon the field of valor, great memories made, and friendships renewed once again. We welcomed the new Prince and Princess of Oertha in style and pageantry and once again proved that Oertha, in all her glory, is an amazing place to live.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally Published in the Fall 2018 edition of The Guardian
Originally Published in the Fall 2018 edition of The Guardian
Event Date: July 21-22, 2018
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