Saturday, August 1, 2015

Summer Coronet and Investiture

Principality of Oertha--Friday set up began in a light drizzle that didn’t manage to dampen the excitement. Tents were erected, dinner was eaten, and the revelry began. In a mixture of garb and mundanes, the fun started early and lasted into the wee hours of the night. There was so MUCH fun, that not one of the four historians whose photos were widely distributed, acquired a photo of the revelry. No matter. Well after midnight, and thus technically on Saturday, Sheva was squired to Sir Gregor amid many cheers and much drinking. (Enough drinking, that in fact, the first cheer was so ill timed, that we had to start over and cheer her right properly.)

Saturday dawned early. Before the tournament, a few bits of note happened. Sevastian was squired to Sir Soren, with the approval of his Fencing Mistress, Sorscha.

Squiring Ceremony for Sevastian to Sir Soren, with his fencing white scarf, Sorscha assisting. Photo by Halfdan Ozurason.

Also, Mor inghen Donnchaid was granted an Award of Arms that she might enter the tournament as Lady Mor.

The tournament began well and was a lengthy affair. Many thanks to the list mistress, the marshals, the shield tree operators, and all others who assisted in making the 4 ½ hour tournament run as smoothly as it did.

Vicana and Violet give there blessings and last words of encouragement to their respective Lords before they enter the final round. Photo by Marjorie de ffeyrefeld.

Ineveitably, as such things do, the tournament came down to two. Sextus Valerious Crusillius v. Duncan ap Llywellyn. The final round being the best two out of three; the first round went to Cru, the second to Duncan. The ladies watching from the sidelines were on tenterhooks, as was most of the populace. The third round was closely fought, but in the end, Duncan prevailed. Duncan was crowned Lord Borealis, and with shaking hands crowned his lady, Baroness Violet Tailyeour, Lady Borealis.

Their Majesties, Hauoc and Mina, watch the tournament. Photo by Yamano Yuki.

The tournament to find successors for Prince Shawn and Princess Arabella was not the only thing that happened on Saturday. The rapier guild had several prize fights: Brann, Angela, and Adolphus ranked up to journeyman. Edward was ranked up to freescholar but unable to do a prize fight due to geography.

The evening included Food – Selviergard sponsored a pot luck. Bardic – there was singing. And a Pajama party with Cards against Humanity during which we were shushed and told we had a quiet time starting at midnight so as not to disturb the neighboring horse show.

Sunday dawned bright, early and warmly. The temperature climbed throughout the day. Eskalya provided breakfast about the time court began. Several courts in quick succession began, including Oerthan Court, West Kingdom Court, and Principality of the Mists also held court. Ambassadors from the Midrealm, Baron Max and Baroness Caroline from the Barony of Shattered Crystal brought gifts to our King and Queen as well as the new Prince and Princess.

The biggest shock of court, was when Lady Sapphira the Navigator was elevated to Court Baroness by their Majesties. Much emotion was felt at this awarding.

Prince Duncan crowning Violet Princess of Oertha. Photo by Yamano Yuki.

The Lord and Lady Borealis, were crowned Prince and Princess of Oertha. Viscount Shawn and Viscountess Arabella were able to enjoy the rest of the day’s court out of the spotlight. Their Highnesses appointed Cru as the Princess’ Champion. And thus begin their reign as the 62nd Prince and Princess of Oertha.

The Royal Family. From left to right, King Hauoc, Queen Mina, Princess Violet (Oertha), Prince Duncan (Oertha), Princess Ellis (Mists), Prince Alfar (Mists). Photo by Marjorie de ffeyrfeld.

The Selviergard Associated Press
From the August 2015 Edition of The DragonTale
Event Date:

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