The day began with set up and court. Elsepth, Baroness of Eskalya, released her champions, thanked them for their service, and we began the tournaments for new ones.
From left to right, Viscount Gregor Hawke, Prinz Duncan, Lord Sevastian, Lady Angela. Photo by Marjorie de ffeyrefeld.
Unfortunately, due to the rain, there was a shortage of photographs. There was a fighting bear pit for the Heavy Weapons which was won by Kenric (Technically Eskalyan, but he WAS Selviergardian until like July).
The Light Weapons, also had a bear pit style tourney, with much fewer participants. The new Rapier Champion is Angela of Eskalya.
My favorite event was a Parchment, Shears, Rock grand melee. The grand melee champion was Fellbjorn, who beat a young girl mercilessly to gain the title. (Fellbjorn is Selveirgardian!).
Archery is where the real news of the day was. Using a historic archery model, the Baroness Archery champion was chosen by the shooting of two arrows each into a wreath, closest to the center wins. The youth Archery champion was quickly decided in a single shoot out. Tristan was named the first EVER Eskalyan Youth Archery Champion (Go Selviergard!)
The real coup for the Barony of Selviergard though, was for the Adult Archery Champion. After the first round, three archers were too close to call and a second round was called for. The shoot out was between Marjorie, Fergus and Rodrigo. All Selviergardian Archers in competition for Eskalya’s Archery Champion. With Marjorie’s move to the Midrealm imminent, she declared she would be thrilled to return the regalia at SCA 50 year. Fergus was defending his title, wanting to continue working on the regalia spiffing it up more. Meanwhile, Rodrigo was grinning from ear to ear cause his crossbow was working well. The second round went quickly, and Fergus was declared the new Champion.
The A&S competition for the day was Largesse! Bring something to contribute to the Baroness largesse coffers. There were few entries, but the leather mug straps stood out to me as being quite stunning.
All of the excitement was followed by FOOD! I really love the Baronial Potlucks. The Autocrat provided a delicious Potato and meat and cheese and yumminess casserole, and there was CAKE (Happy Birthday Beth). The food was quickly consumed and followed by court.
Evening court was crammed into the Prinicpality Tent, the rain still coming down steadily everyone was invited in out of the weather, which made for a lovely snug venue. The Prinz and Prinzess, the Baroness of Eskalya, and the Baron of Winter’s Gate (who escaped solo to visit Eskalya and for the first time attending a Baronial event not in his Barony) sat court and witnessed the investiture of the New Eskalayn Champions. Much fun and laughter was had by all.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Originally published in the September 2015 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date: August 15, 2015
Reporter: Marjorie de ffeyrefeld
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