A bright warm day, visiting friends and relatives, fine foods, dancing, and tournaments welcomed all who attended the Winter's Finding Feast in the Barony of Selviergard, a Bi-baronial event held between Selviergard and Eskalya.
The day opened with a quick welcome from the Baron of Selviergard and the Baroness of Eskalya, along with quick announcements from the Autocrats of the event. From there, the event went underway…and the first activity was the tournaments.
Dona Etain O'Rowarke, Lady Angela of Eskalya, and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad took to the rapier field in the off-hand tournament; much to the delight of those watching. The trademark of the Rapier tournaments; quick fights, graceful moves, and flashing blades showed off each competitor's skills and prowess.
Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad moves in against Donna Étaín O'Rowarke in the Rapier Tournament. September 19, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.
The heavy fighters then took the field to show off dexterity and expertise to the assembled onlookers. The following fighters took the field that day: Viscountess Sir Verisse de Lighthaven, Viscount Sir Kenric Maur, Viscount Fergus mac Thomais, Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin, Lord Hraði Köttr, and D'Artimus of Eskalya. Each of the fighters, using only the off-hand as did their Rapier counterparts, met each other on the field with honor and chivalry…and gave amazing displays of skill as well.
Lord Sevastian attempts to land a blow against Lord Hraði in the Heavy Tournament. September 19, 2015. Photograph Halfdan Ozurrson.
Dancing and other activities commenced shortly after the fighting. Dance class was offered by Mistress Anna di Caterina Neri with practical application afterwards. Another fun activity was a new game from the Middle Kingdom; a dice game that had many enthralled by its simplicity and fun.
Towards the middle of the day Mistress Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor taught a class on Calligraphy in a valiant effort to get people ready for an upcoming competition. Her class was well attended by those interested in the fine art of crafting beautiful letters and documents for others.
The feast, being the main activity of the event, was prepared by Domina Nemonna Vicana and her hard-working kitchen crew Lady Leonia the Mouse and Adam of Eskalya. Roast meats, root vegetables, and fine delicacies were offered to the celebrants of the event.
After feast the Baron of Selviergard and the Baroness of Eskalya held court…complete with dueling heralds. Their Excellencies thanked everybody that attended the event, those that helped out in various areas to make the event happen, and welcomed the Prince and Princess of Oertha to these lands with gifts of esteem.
In Closing Court, the Autocrats were thanked with tokens from the Baroness of Eskalya alongside bronze rings from the Baron of Selviergard. The tournament winners of the day, Viscount Sir Kenric Maur for Heavy and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad for Rapier, were gifted with items from both of their Excellencies.
Also in court, Marjorie de ffeyrefeld was admitted into the Companions of the Gules Claymore, an award for those who give unto the Barony of Selviergard. Her service in many levels was noted by Baron Halfdan, and she was thanked profusely for her efforts in helping the Barony of Selviergard. Additionally, Lady Marjorie de ffeyrefeld was named as a Selviergardian Ambassador to the lands of the Barony of Flaming Gryphon by Baron Halfdan. The title, while carrying no awards or tokens, but honor instead, was cheered by the populace as Baron Halfdan himself presented Lady Marjorie with a silk banner to celebrate her position.
Baron Halfdan presents Marjorie with a banner as a symbol of her being Abassador. September 19, 2015. Photograph Yamano Yuki.
Winter's Finding Feast was a wonderful display of the friendship, talent, and
fun that makes up the structure of both baronies. The smiles on many faces was a great testament
to that fact. Special thanks not only go
to Their Highnesses for attending our event, but to the Autocrats as well for
their efforts and dedication on putting on another event for both the Barony of
Eskalya and the Barony of Selviergard.
The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the September 2015 edition of The DragonTale
Activity Date: September 19, 2015
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