Tuesday, September 1, 2015

SCA Helps Jousters at Alaska State Fair

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Knights of Valour, a full contact jousting troupe known for their skill and showmanship, made its way to the Alaska State Fair once again this year for their Invitational Tournament Series. As with last year, the Society for Creative Anachronism was offered a chance to help out with the show which many quickly volunteered for a chance to help out with something that we normally do not see up here in the lands of Oertha.

Just a small portion of some of the SCA people who volunteered to help the Knights of Valour at the Alaska State Fair. August 29, 2015. Photograph by Stephen de la Bere.

Master Rodrigo de Reinosa headed the SCA volunteers this year at the Fair; helping many SCAdians find opportunity to assist the Knights of Valor from lugging items around, to brushing the war steeds, and even to repairing chainmail armor pieces.

Volunteers got paid mostly in amazing seats to a stunning show, with time to brush and take care of the horses, and an opportunity to hang out with a group of interesting individuals in this field of sports.

A big thank you goes out to all who were able to donate their time in this activity at the Alaska State Fair. As Master Rodrigo said, "Can't say thanks enough for the awesome work you guys/gals did---Vivat!."

The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the September 2015 edition of The DragonTale
Activity Date: August 29, 2015

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