Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Brew and Brats; A Baron’s Blissful Bash

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha—Welcoming Her Highness from a long travel; members of the Barony of Selviergard threw a small activity to help drive the winter’s chill away.  While Baroness’ in the Kingdom of the West have Teas it was determined that Barons have Brews—and Baron Halfdan was quite pleased with all of the food and drinkable items presented on the table which he claimed was “much better than tea.”

A little over twenty people showed up and plenty of food made its way to the groaning board.  From potato salad and bratwurst, from sliced meats and cheeses to pasta salad…there was plenty to eat and the Barony of Selviergard once again proved that if you leave a Selviergard event hungry it is your own fault.

Besides eating vast quantities of food and sampling the different styles of brew; the activity provided ample atmosphere to visit with each other and schmooze the evening away.  The conversations were quite varied, the laughter in great supply, and the company quite amazing as people gathered together and built stronger relationships with each other.

Additionally, there was a bit of live music to help liven up the evening.  Lady Ástríðr Þórudóttir brought her husband along and together they performed some music for us all.

Live music is graciously provided at the Baron’s Brew and Bash activity.  November 4, 2017.  Photograph by Nemonna Vicana.

Feasting upon Spanish Delicacies

The Barony of Winter’s Gate, Oertha—Once per year the Barony of Winter’s Gate holds a served feast in which every year the theme changes…this year Winter’s Gate ventured into the kitchens of Medieval Spain.  The warm hall greeted visitors from near and far, and as the tradition of such an event, there was many conversation to be had by all as people visited with each the other and enjoyed each the others company.

There was still some kitchen preparation for the feast later in the evening, so volunteers helped the staff to ensure that there would be plenty of foods for all.  Apples peeled, pots stirred; there was something for everybody to help with.  Many hands make light work and the act of helping to prepare feast was one of the many fun parts of the event.

Baron Hans of Winter’s Gate helps peel apples at Michaelmas in the Barony of Winter’s Gate.  October 14, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Very Magical Samhein

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha—The hall was festooned with magical decorations in time for the Barony of Eskalya’s Samhein event.  With floating jack-o-lanterns and candles and messenger owls scattered throughout; the hall looked like something from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry…which was exactly what was intended.

The magical hall begins to fill as the event starts at the Barony of Eskalya’s Samhein event.  October 28, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Rain and Shine; Coronet Well Attended

The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West—Populace members from all over the Principality came together to a secluded field in the Barony of Winter’s Gate to witness the selection of the Prince and Princess of Oertha’s heirs by right of combat.  It was here that a weekend of combat, celebration, and renewed friendships accented the twice-yearly Principality event: Oertha’s Summer Coronet and Investiture.

This year’s Coronet was different from those in the past.  Traditionally the winner of the Coronet Tournament and their inspiration would be crowned as Prince and Princess the next day.  However, with the West Kingdom’s Purgatorio Coronation being held in Oertha in late August, it was decided to simply have the elevation of the new heirs at the Kingdom event.  The change of structure for this event allowed for many more fun things to take place that normally may not have happened due to the time constraints of normal Coronets and Investitures.

On Friday the site opened to all.  There was excitement in the air as pavilions were set up and decorated with period furniture, colorful banners, and snacks set out for the occasional visitor.  Everybody was ready to spend time with friends and family, to witness the Coronet Tournament, and to take part in the various activities scheduled throughout the weekend.

While the weather on Saturday morning was promising for the day; it was right before the opening court that the heavens opened and it rained heavily.  However, this simple fact of Oerthan Summer did not deter those who sought to enjoy the event and attend opening court.  The Prince and Princess invited all to gather close to attend the proceedings which was held in the largest pavilion found to accommodate all of the people who wished to attend the Invocation ceremony that would start the event.

Words of welcome from Prince Søren and Princess Alienor and some general announcements were followed by the Invocation Court in which seven fighters presented themselves along with their consorts.  It was these fighters that would take the field in hopes of attaining the Coronets of Oertha for the coming months.  The fighters took the oath and were released to prepare for the tournament.

Entrants into the Lists swear the Oath before the tournament at the Principality of Oertha’s Summer Coronet Tournament.  July 15, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Monday, September 25, 2017

New Champions Chosen for the Barony of Selviergard

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The weather was typical of the later part of Oerthan Summer--overcast with some rain--but that didn’t deter many people from attending the Barony of Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament; an event centered around the yearly competitions to determine the new champions of the Barony.

The baronial pavilion was set up early on Saturday morning to provide some protection from the elements while people prepared to watch the day’s proceedings.  Hot food was provided by the autocrat alongside cookies pressed with a heraldic bear provided by Baroness Cynehild of Eskalya and other fine and tasty snacks brought by attendees.

The opening court started under the pavilion just as the weather was turning nice.  As is his custom; Baron Halfdan once again gave his oath to the Barony of Selviergard--pledging to protect and defend the lands and to provide opportunities for fighters, artisans, and those who tread the path of service to practice their art.  From there, Baron Halfdan released Viscount Fergus mac Thomais and Viscountess Margarita di Calvi, the Warlord and Shieldmaid of Selviergard, with kind words and a token of his thanks.  Donna Étaín O’Rowarke, the Rapier Champion, was released with words and gifts as well.  From there, Fergus mac Thomais was again called forward and released as the Archery and Thrown Weapons Champion and thanked for his service.  Finally, but not least, Adele MacThomais was released as the Youth Archery Champion.

From there, those who would participate in all the competitions that day were called forward to take part of the Axe Oath in which they pledged to defend and support the Barony of Selviergard if they were to win the tournaments and become the champions for the coming year.

After the Oath, Baron Halfdan made an announcement in court in which he declared the creation of the Barony of Selviergard’s College of Bards; a group designed to help foster the bardic arts in all its diverse incarnations in the Barony of Selviergard.  He then announced that Lord Rin McCray would be the first of this College and two more people were to be named later in the year as the ministers of this new and exciting initiative in the Barony.  Lord Rin McCray graciously accepted the position.

The day was made brighter by a surprise visit from Søren and Alienor, the Prince and Princess of Oertha, who came out to watch Selviergard’s finest compete in the Bear Pit Tournament and other activities.

With the rules for the tournament stated and understood; the Heavy Bear Pit Tournament started.  Viscount Fergus mac Thomais, Donna Étaín O’Rowarke, and Tiarna Bránn mac Finnchad entered the list in hopes of becoming the next Warlord of the Barony of Selviergard.  The battles, as with all Bear Pits, were quite brutal with each fighter putting in great effort to hold the circle by either pushing their opponent out of the ring or slaying them where they stood.

Donna Étaín O’Rowarke faces against Viscount Fergus mac Thomais in the Bear Pit Tournament at the Barony of Selviergard’s Warlord’s Tournament.  August 12, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ôzurrson.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Fair Fun at Three Baron’s Renaissance Fair

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha--The annual Three Baron’s Renaissance Fair once again took place in the lands of the Barony of Eskalya.  Held the first two full weekends of June; this activity is a wonderful opportunity for members of the Society for Creative Anachronism to spend the time showcasing what the Society is all about—friendship, arts and sciences, and of course, fighting as well.

Prince Søren j Alborgh and Sir Kenric Maur take the field to the delight of those watching at the Three Baron’s Renaissance Fair.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.  June 10, 2017.

Spring Welcomed in Selviergard

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha—Traditionally the welcoming of Spring in the lands of Oertha has always been the domain of the Selviergardians.  It was the ancient Trolls, the forefathers of the Selviergardians, who welcomed in the warmth of the sun with dancing, fighting, bardics and obnoxious fabric choices at the first camping event of the season.

Modern Selviergardians did quite well honoring their ancestors this year.

While there were no heavy fighters available; it was the archery and rapier activities that took the day not only providing entertainment for those in attendance but showcasing rousing display of prowess on the field for all to see.  For those who did not participate in the activities, or those just taking a break to enjoy the weather; the pavilion was filled with laughter and cheer as many people visited with each other and enjoyed the day working on small projects or just talking.

The archery was attended by many and included Prince Søren among the crowd who took advantage of the large space provided on site to have fun with the bow and to shoot a few arrows.  The target was stuck many times and the ample room and position of the field made it easy to retrieve any stray arrows that managed to miss the target.  There was laughter and cheer as participants each had many turns taking aim at the target and testing their skill.

Lord Bartrum Sinclair takes aim at the target while Master Fergus mac Thomais watches on at the Barony of Selviergard’s Spring Offensive.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.  May 20, 2017.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Medieval Love Celebrated; No Casualties

The Barony of Winter's Gate, Oertha--Something was in the air, and yes, it was love in the Barony of Winter’s Gate during the cold month of February.  The populace held a Heart’s Revel in which the two sides of medieval love, the beautiful and the bawdy, were celebrated by members from around the Principality.

Many people from the Principality of Oertha travelled the wintry roads including Alienor, Princess of Oertha, as well as the baronage of both Eskalya and Selviergard.  The hall was filled with many people who traveled far to spend time with family and friends in the Barony of Winter’s Gate and celebrate love.

Upon entering the hall there was a surprise for many; musicians were ready to play a variety of dance music for the assembled populace.   Truly a delight to behold and listen to; these travelers brought with them a variety of musical instruments which many people gathered around to not only listen to and dance but to take part in with instruments of their own.

Live music is performed with gusto and grace at the Barony of Winter’s Gate Heart’s Revel.  February 18, 2017.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Oertha Shines at Winter Coronet

“O Januarie, what myghte thee devinaille
To them who to Oertha on shippes saille?
What delices and mirth dust you see
At Oerthes corounet feste and reveli? ”
-Faunus de Arden, Autocrat

The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West--In the snow-washed days of the beginning of the new year the Principality of Oertha once again held a great tournament to determine the next Prince and Princess of Oertha by Right of Combat.  While the outdoors was cold; many stayed warm with fine wools and furs as well as by the warmth in the hearts of many as the populace came out to witness a grand event.  This Winter Coronet and Investiture, an event celebrating the reign of Kenric and Dagmar and welcoming in the new Heirs, was a diverse and exciting event and one that will be remembered fondly by many people.

Alongside many Oerthans from around the Principality there were many notable visitors from the other expanses in the Kingdom of the West.  Our esteemed visitors included Roger and Zanobia, the King and Queen of the West, Princess Helga of the Mists, as well as long-time Oerthans including Viscountess Aryana Silknfyre and Mistress Anne of Bradford, as well as a variety of visitors grand and noble from far off and distant lands.

People entered the Great Hall and signed in and visited before things got started; all of them ready for the weekend’s activities to take part in and experience.  People gathered and visited as they waited for the opening court of the day to start the event.  Before opening court, Lord Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin was named as a member of the Queen’s Guard, an honor bestowed by Queen Zanobia’s own hand.

Opening court took place amid the beauty of a mechanically devised aurora borealis accented by candles—one of the most stunning and beautiful hall decorations seen in a while.  From the opening statements from the Prince and Princess of Oertha, as well as Baron Faunus de Arden, the Autocrat for the event, the Invocation for the Tournament was begun with pageantry and splendor.  Each fighter presented his or her inspiration for entering the tournament.  Banners were processed in with some of the fighters and grand speeches were made including one, while not extravagant with words, was quite memorable—when presented for the invocation; Lady Úlfhildr Sverradóttir, who was being fought for by Lord Nikor of the Isle of Oaks, told the royalty in perfect Nikorian fashion that “Nikor fight…for me.”

Those who fight in the tournament take the Oath and prepare for the tournament.  Photograph by Yamano Yuki.  January 21, 2017.