Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Boniface Hosts Collegium

Barony of Winter's Gate, Oertha--The College of St Boniface hosted a Collegium in the Far North for those interested in learning more about different arts and sciences in the Society for Creative Anachronism. The classes ranged from Leather Turn Shoes to Calligraphy, from Mittens to Marshalling, and many things in between.

Baroness Ellisif a Reikiavik starts her class at the St. Boniface Collegium. November 14, 2015.  Photo by Halfdan Ozurrson.

The event was well attended by those from the Barony of Winter's Gate in addition to some visitors from the Barony of Selviergard. And while the weather outside was cold (it was called it a tropical heat wave by those who live in the area) the classrooms were warmed by the friendship of those in attendance and quite comfortable.

With so many interesting classes, as with all Collegiums, difficult decisions had to be made as to what class to attend while asking for notes from those classes missed. There were simply too many classes to choose from which shows the depth and breadth of talented people in the Principality of Oertha.

The Autocrat for the event, as well as all the instructors, should be commended on such a wonderful Collegium with a diverse selection of things to learn about. Many left the event with new ideas for old projects and new projects planned for the winter months ahead…exactly the way a Collegium should be.

The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the December 2015 edition of The DragonTale
Event Date:  November 14, 2016

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Celebrating Samhain

"The hall is festooned with bears…excellent!"
--Halfdan, Baron of Selviergard

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Samhain is a wonderful time of the year when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest; allowing the spirits to enter our world and enjoy time with friends and family who are still living. Children often take this time to rampage for candy while adults usually have parties where many dress in spooky costumes and eat finely wrought foods shaped as skulls or other morbid designs.

The Barony of Selviergard hosted an event to welcome the season and feast, fight, and have fun in true Selviergardian style.  Members from around the Principality of Oertha came together to enjoy a fantastic event in a warm hall.

Two Rapier Tournaments were held; a "First Blood" and a Grand Melee.  The Rapier fighters included Donna Etain O'Rowarke, Magistra Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor, and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad.  It was Cynehild that won the First Blood Tournament while Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad that won the Grand Melee; effectively sending his opponents to the afterlife.

The Rapier fighters participate in a Grand Melee.  October 31, 2015.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Super Heroes, Super Villains Clash

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha--The Barony of Eskalya hosted a Samhain celebration in which participants were encouraged to come as their favorite super hero or super villain as they may have looked like in the time period of the Society for Creative Anachronism.  Many people attended, and the plethora of different themed clothing worn by the majority of the celebrants was quite fun to behold.

People dressed from many different aspects of a culture that is very well represented in the Society.  Marvel, of course, took the day, but DC, Star Wars, and even Nintendo was represented as well. "Seeing all the awesome representations of heroes and villains was amazing!" the Autocrat, Anna di Caterina Neri, declared after the event in her missive to the populace.

Super Heroes and Villains pose for the historians at Eskalya's Samhain.  October 17, 2015.  Photo by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Archers Take Aim

"Selviergard archers with bow and arrow in hand,
the apples may survive but not the beasts of the land."
--From The Chronicles of Selviergard

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--While the Fall Fling was a small event it was quite enjoyable for all who were able to make it out to celebrate a day of archery.  While mostly attended by Selviergardians, there was at least one couple from Ravensfjord and one person from Eskalya who came out to witness who would become the Barony of Selviergard's Archery Champion.

Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad and Baron Stephen de la Bere inspect the target.  October 10, 2015.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Celebrating the Harvest

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The rains stopped in time for the event, and even the heavens the night before celebrated with vibrant colors of light dancing in front of the stars…all omens of a good event in Selviergard for sure.

A bright warm day, visiting friends and relatives, fine foods, dancing, and tournaments welcomed all who attended the Winter's Finding Feast in the Barony of Selviergard, a Bi-baronial event held between Selviergard and Eskalya.

The day opened with a quick welcome from the Baron of Selviergard and the Baroness of Eskalya, along with quick announcements from the Autocrats of the event.  From there, the event went underway…and the first activity was the tournaments.

Dona Etain O'Rowarke, Lady Angela of Eskalya, and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad took to the rapier field in the off-hand tournament; much to the delight of those watching.  The trademark of the Rapier tournaments; quick fights, graceful moves, and flashing blades showed off each competitor's skills and prowess.

Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad moves in against Donna Étaín O'Rowarke in the Rapier Tournament.  September 19, 2015.  Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Of Warlords and King Kubb

"To the bears we will go with swords held high, 
The best are sought, a new Warlord to find."
 -from the Warlord's Song

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Amid a bright and warm weekend, nestled in a quiet sylvan glade with family and friends, with banners fluttering in the slight breeze and amid the laughter of youth, did the Barony of Selviergard hold a tournament to determine new champions of the land.

Baron Halfdan's court officially opened the event on Saturday morning where he welcomed everybody to the tournament and set about to start the day's activities. Fergus mac Thomais, Warlord of Selviergard, and Sevastian Agafangelovich Golystin, Selviergard Rapier Champion, were released with thanks from His Excellency and gifted with items of esteem for both themselves and their Inspirations. From there, those that sought to enter the tournament were called forward to swear the Axe Oath and prepare themselves for the tournaments.

The Rapier Bear Pit started with quick blades and artful dodging as the entrants to the list each vied for dominance in the field. The following fighters entered the lists for the title of Rapier Champion: Donna Étaín O'Rowarke, Mistress Cynehild Cynesigesdohtor, Lady Angela of Eskalya, and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad.

Donna Étaín O'Rowarke and Tiarna Brann mac Finnchad fight in the Rapier Bear Pit. August 1, 2015. Photograph Halfdan Ozurrson.

SCA Helps Jousters at Alaska State Fair

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Knights of Valour, a full contact jousting troupe known for their skill and showmanship, made its way to the Alaska State Fair once again this year for their Invitational Tournament Series. As with last year, the Society for Creative Anachronism was offered a chance to help out with the show which many quickly volunteered for a chance to help out with something that we normally do not see up here in the lands of Oertha.

Just a small portion of some of the SCA people who volunteered to help the Knights of Valour at the Alaska State Fair. August 29, 2015. Photograph by Stephen de la Bere.

Master Rodrigo de Reinosa headed the SCA volunteers this year at the Fair; helping many SCAdians find opportunity to assist the Knights of Valor from lugging items around, to brushing the war steeds, and even to repairing chainmail armor pieces.

Volunteers got paid mostly in amazing seats to a stunning show, with time to brush and take care of the horses, and an opportunity to hang out with a group of interesting individuals in this field of sports.

A big thank you goes out to all who were able to donate their time in this activity at the Alaska State Fair. As Master Rodrigo said, "Can't say thanks enough for the awesome work you guys/gals did---Vivat!."

The Selviergard Associated Press
Published in the September 2015 edition of The DragonTale
Activity Date: August 29, 2015

Eskalya’s Baroness’ Champion; A Selviergardian Perspective

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha--Viscountess Isabella Hawke autocratted a wonderfully entertaining event for the Barony of Eskalaya, which was attended by folks from all of the baronies in Oertha. Despite the steady drizzle that kept up throughout the WHOLE event, the populace seemed to enjoy themselves and I can personally attest that it was a whole lot of fun.

The day began with set up and court. Elsepth, Baroness of Eskalya, released her champions, thanked them for their service, and we began the tournaments for new ones.

From left to right, Viscount Gregor Hawke, Prinz Duncan, Lord Sevastian, Lady Angela. Photo by Marjorie de ffeyrefeld.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Summer Coronet and Investiture

Principality of Oertha--Friday set up began in a light drizzle that didn’t manage to dampen the excitement. Tents were erected, dinner was eaten, and the revelry began. In a mixture of garb and mundanes, the fun started early and lasted into the wee hours of the night. There was so MUCH fun, that not one of the four historians whose photos were widely distributed, acquired a photo of the revelry. No matter. Well after midnight, and thus technically on Saturday, Sheva was squired to Sir Gregor amid many cheers and much drinking. (Enough drinking, that in fact, the first cheer was so ill timed, that we had to start over and cheer her right properly.)

Saturday dawned early. Before the tournament, a few bits of note happened. Sevastian was squired to Sir Soren, with the approval of his Fencing Mistress, Sorscha.

Squiring Ceremony for Sevastian to Sir Soren, with his fencing white scarf, Sorscha assisting. Photo by Halfdan Ozurason.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Three Baron's Fair Demo A Success

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha--The demonstration by the Principality of Oertha at the local Renaissance Fair was quite a success this year; garnering interest from countless people across the land. With many volunteers, things to see, and moments of high chivalry; the Principality was in full force at the Three Baron's Renaissance Faire.

The Three Barons Renaissance Faire has been staple in Oertha for over twenty years. The various groups, especially the Barony of Eskalya and in recent years a good showing from the Barony of Selviergard, have used this venue to showcase the Society at large and attract possible newcomers to the Principality and the Society as a whole.

The demonstration, this year headed by Lady Celestria Textrix, featured a plethora of arts and sciences that members of the local groups graciously lent for display. These exhibits garnered keen interest from many people, especially Baron Rodrigo de Reinosa's ballista which was a huge draw for young and old alike. But the big draw for many was the fighting.

Crowds gather to watch the fighting demonstration at the Three Baron's Renaissance Fair. June 6, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Dream Thrives in Selviergard

"And the Chalice, which was lost in the passage of time, was again found amid the cheering of the multitudes" - from Sharp Pointy Teeth and Other Tales, The Selviergard Chronicles

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--Banners fluttered in the light breeze and ladies fair gazed upon the tournament field as fighters, with polished helm, entered the field ready to do honor to their opponents and those who witnessed the tournament. Selviergard's grand Pas d'Armes was indeed an event that will be well remembered. The event opened with archery as those with bow, arrow, crossbow, and bolt took to the range to partake in a favorite pastime in Selviergard…archery competition. A total of fifteen adult archers took to the field to participate in Royal Rounds and the Inter-Kingdom Archery Competition.

After the archery concluded it was time for the opening court. Court was held under the new Baronial pavilion amid the warmth of a beautiful Spring day. In his court, Baron Halfdan welcomed both Shawn and Arabella, Prince and Princess of Oertha as well as Baroness Elspeth of Eskalya. From there, His Excellency welcomed all to the event and expressed his excitement to start the day and celebrate the Chivalric and Courtly virtues so important in our Society.

Before the start of the Pas d'Armes; Baron Halfdan asked the fighters to introduce themselves to the Gallery so that they would be known better to those gentles watching their valor and skill. From there, he made a short speech welcoming them to the tournament field and briefly told the tale of the lost Chalice of Peace and his desire for its safe return to the lands of Selviergard.

Sir Søren introduces himself and his squires at the beginning of Selviergard's Pas d'Armes. May 23, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Fabric…Fabric Everywhere!

"I have truly never witnessed anything like this before." 
-Baron Halfdan while watching the Fabric Melee.

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Barony of Selviergard celebrated the Spring season with a Fabric War amid the majestic mountains and bright sunlight in Central Selviergard. The event was Autocratted by Domina Nemonna Vicana who brought the event idea with her from the Stellar Kingdom of Atenveldt where it has become a tradition. The idea of the event was to get rid of old, unwanted fabric and lawfully acquire new pieces to add to your collection. Other items besides fabric were included as well; including books, trim, and other SCA related trinkets and bits and pieces.

The site opened with several people, with boxes in tow, setting up shop for others to peruse and ogle over on. Many fabrics in all different shades, hues, and patterns were flamboyantly displayed with the hopes of catching a prospective buyer's eye. Some people were already bartering, buying, or trading off fabric before it was even set out onto the tables provided; a sure sign of a good day.

Fabric stashes, like this one, laid out for people to shop from at the Fabric War in Selviergard. April 18, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Learning at Bi-Baronial Collegium

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--This year's Bi-Baronial Collegium, held as a group event between the Barony of Selviergard and the Barony of Eskalya, was a grand day filled with many classes that taught a variety of subjects. Many people from all over the Principality of Oertha attended, the vast majority of which participated in more than one class.

Friends greet each other during the start of the Bi-Baronial Collegium. March 21, 2015. Photograph by Halfdan Ozurrson.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Oertha's Winter Coronet

The Principality of Oertha, Kingdom of the West--Well worth the trip to Winter’s Gate, Coronet officially began on Saturday, but Friday night their Highness’ Gregor and Isabella had a renewal of vows on site.

Saturday dawned dimly so far north, but for Winter’s Gate in January, it was positively balmy. Their Majesties Miles and Ǣsa up from California thought it still frigid, but we are thrilled that the weather warmed for their visit.

The 18 A&S Competitions were well entered, I believe there were at least two entries in each of the competitions. My personal favorite entries were the furry shield, the Russian Teddy Bear, and the Ursa Major and Minor embroidery.

Some of the many A&S entries including the Russian Bear. Photo by Baron Halfdan Ozurson.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Eskalya's Yule Celebration

The Barony of Eskalya, Oertha--Eskalya's Yule celebrations were a joy to attend. In the spirit of giving, the site fee was donations to the Brother Francis Shelter, many things were collected, thanks to all who contributed! The populace was treated to the aromas of a well prepared meal which included yummy pretzels for snacks during the day.

Brànn, Aldyen, and Sevastian hang the Barony of Eskalya banner behind head table, under the direction of Baroness Elspeth. Photo by Marjorie de ffeyrefeld.

Selviergard’s Yule Celebration

The Barony of Selviergard, Oertha--The Yule season is an important part of Selviergardian tradition. Not only is it a time to visit with family and friends in a warm hall, but it is also a time to remember when two groups joined together to form the Barony of Selviergard so many years ago. This year's Yule celebration, hosted by Viscountess Dagmar the Red, was no exception and was a wonderful way to enjoy the holidays in Selviergardian style…for the fun of it!

The populace gathers together in preparation for the Yule festivities to begin. Photograph by Marjorie de ffeyrefeld. December 6, 2014.